英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-20 03:38:50


英 [ˈtɜ:dʒɪd]

美 [ˈtɜ:rdʒɪd]


副词: turgidly 名词: turgidity

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1. abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas

e.g. hungry children with bloated stomachs
he had a grossly distended stomach
eyes with puffed (or puffy) lids
swollen hands
tumescent tissue
puffy tumid flesh

Synonym: puffyintumescenttumescenttumid

2. ostentatiously lofty in style

e.g. a man given to large talk
tumid political prose

Synonym: bombasticdeclamatorylargeorotundtumid

1. (文章、电影等)晦涩难懂的,索然无味的
If you describe something such as a piece of writing or a film as turgid, you think it is boring and difficult to understand.

e.g. He used to make extremely dull, turgid and frankly boring speeches...
e.g. The rest of the arts scene looks increasingly turgid by comparison.


1. 肿的:turgescent 肿的 | turgid 肿的 | turgidity 肿胀

2. 溶胀的:turgescence 紧张 | turgid 溶胀的 | turgidity 紧张

3. 膨胀;起凸:turf cutter 切草机 | turgid 膨胀;起凸 | turkey red oil 土耳其红油

4. turgid什么意思

4. 肿胀的 胀满的:turgescent肿大的 肿胀的 | turgid肿胀的 胀满的 | turgidcell膨胀细胞

  • 经典引文

  • The clumsy turgid prose in which he struggles to express himself.

    出自:A. Storr
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

He had liked women in that turgid past of his, and been fascinated by some of them, but he had not known what it was to love them.(在他那些趾高气扬的日子里,他喜欢过女人,也曾迷恋过几个,但并不知道怎样跟她们恋爱。)
Swelling appears rapidly, causing an acute compartment syndrome and within hours the limb can become turgid and brawny without obstruction to the distal circulation.(水肿立即出现并导致急性间隔综合征,肢体在数小时内肿胀粗大,末梢循环没有阻断。)
They are, to be sure, a peculiarly boring breed of romantic, speaking in turgid prose rather than poetry.(当然,他们是一类特别乏味的浪漫主义者,念的全是华而不实的散文,却没有诗章。)
GEMINI: Geminis are avid readers, so almost any book will keep them busy -- but don't make it too long or turgid a read, since this Sign loses interest quickly.(双子座:双子座非常渴读,几乎任何书都能让她们立刻投入其中,但最好不要是那种冗长的书,因为她们的兴趣维持不了多久。)
The rest of the arts scene looks increasingly turgid by comparison.(比较而言,艺术界的其他领域看起来越发索然无味。)
The fifth– and longest– book on which the film is based plays a crucial but faintly turgid role in the saga .(电影改编自哈利波特系列第五部,也是至今为止改编过的最长的一部,原著里的角色在历险中显得至关重要却略有浮夸。)
On 23 February 2011, a turgid draw between Manchester United and Marseille was watched by 5.623m viewers, taking almost a quarter of the total UK TV audience.(2011年2月23日,曼联对阵马赛,一场乏味的平局都能有562.3万观众观看,这占去了英国近四分之一的收视率。)
Gemini: geminis are avid readers, so almost any book will keep them busy — but don't make it too long or turgid a read, since this sign loses interest quickly.(双子座:双子座喜欢读书,几乎任何书都能让她们立刻投入其中,但最好不要是那种冗长的书,因为她们的兴趣维持不了多久。)
Monroe longed to be taken seriously as an artist, but her work in more turgid vehicles, like "The Misfits, " was neither original nor very interesting.(玛丽莲梦露希望自己可以被认真的视为一位艺术家,但是她大多在夸张的剧情中工作,像是电影《乱点鸳鸯谱》,缺乏独创性也没有特别有趣。)
But to prevent excessive ornament, it will feel the self-defeating, turgid.(但要防止过多的点缀,反而会感受弄巧成拙,索然寡味。)
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