英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 19:14:39



英 [ˈti:spu:n]

美 [ˈtiˌspun]


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  • (一)茶匙
  • 小匙
  • 一茶匙的量
  • 小调羹


1. a small spoon used for stirring tea or coffee
holds about one fluid dram

2. as much as a teaspoon will hold

Synonym: teaspoonful

1. 茶匙
A teaspoon is a small spoon that you use to put sugar into tea or coffee.

e.g. Drop the dough onto a baking sheet with a teaspoon.

2. 一茶匙的量
You can refer to an amount of food resting on a teaspoon as a teaspoon of food.

e.g. He wants three teaspoons of sugar in his coffee.
他要在咖啡里放 3 茶匙的糖。

1. 茶匙:1 汤匙(tablespoon)香草精华(pure vanilla extract)1 1/2 茶匙(teaspoon)泡打粉(baking powder)把 红糖、香草精华和香蕉泥依次加入打匀的鸡蛋中,混合均匀;再加入融化的黄油,打匀.

2. 茶匙;汤匙;小匙:teapot茶壶 | teaspoon茶匙;汤匙;小匙 | teat乳头(人或动物(奶瓶上的)橡皮奶头

  • 经典引文

  • A heaped teaspoon of tarragon leaves.

    出自:E. David
Sprinkle about half a teaspoon of the cocoa nibs onto the bottom of each ramekin, if using. Set aside.(若使用可可粉,则在每个模具底层撒大约半茶匙,备用。)
1 country "Garden Muffin", with 1 teaspoon margarine.(1块“花园松饼”,加1汤匙黄油。)
A teaspoon of cayenne pepper is said to spur blood flow and add warmth to the body.(在热水中加一茶匙辣椒据说能促进血液循环、让身体暖和起来。)
In fact, each tablespoon of Skippy contains half a teaspoon of the sweet stuff.(事实上,每汤匙的Skippy(四季宝花生酱)中含有半茶匙的甜味物质。)
Put 1 teaspoon of oil in the pan and turn the stove to a medium temperature.(在锅中放入1茶匙的油,然后将火升到最高温度。)
1 teaspoon cracked black peppercorn (optional).(1茶匙破碎的黑胡椒子(可选)。)
A teaspoon of butter is the about the size of your thumb tip.(1茶勺黄油和你拇指尖的大小相仿。)
For windowpanes: Mix one cup water and one teaspoon vodka in a spray bottle.(窗户玻璃:在喷雾器里加入一杯水和一勺伏特加。)
For reference, 5ml is one teaspoon, so the aquarium can only hold two teaspoons worth of water.(5毫升的水仅仅是一茶匙大小,这个水族馆也就只能装2茶匙的水。)
“A fraction of a teaspoon is a homeopathic dose, ” he said.(“一茶勺的一部分只是顺式疗法的剂量(指微乎其微)”他说。)
teaspoon是什么意思 teaspoon在线翻译 teaspoon什么意思 teaspoon的意思 teaspoon的翻译 teaspoon的解释 teaspoon的发音 teaspoon的同义词