1. the pitch range of the highest male voice
2. the general meaning or substance of an utterance
e.g. although I disagreed with him I could follow the tenor of his argument
Synonym: strain
3. a settled or prevailing or habitual course of a person's life
e.g. nothing disturbed the even tenor of her ways
4. the adult male singing voice above baritone
Synonym: tenor voice
5. an adult male with a tenor voice
1. of or close in range to the highest natural adult male voice
e.g. tenor voice
2. (of a musical instrument) intermediate between alto and baritone or bass
e.g. a tenor sax
1. 男高音(歌手)
A tenor is a male singer whose voice is fairly high.
e.g. ...a free, open-air concert given by the Italian tenor, Luciano Pavarotti.
2. (萨克斯管等乐器)次中音的
A tenor saxophone or other musical instrument has a range of notes that are of a fairly low pitch.
e.g. ...one of the best tenor sax players ever.
3. 大意;主旨;要领
The tenor of something is the general meaning or mood that it expresses.
e.g. The whole tenor of discussions has changed...
e.g. Her dreams were troubled, reflecting the tenor of her waking hours.
1. tenor的反义词
1. 男高音:在每个变奏中,同旋律会以不同和声,节奏,速度,加减音符甚至倒弹出现Voices:声部,人声可依音域分成大类:女高音(Soprano),女中音(Mezzo.Soprano)女低音(Alto),男高音(Tenor),男中音(Baritone)和男低音(Bass).每个音域中还有特别的区分,
2. 次中音:萨克斯风有很多不同的种类(音域), 常见的为 高音(soprano), 中音(alto), 次中音(tenor), 上低音(baritone) 萨克斯风, 指法和谱号都是相通的, 而音域和调性不同而比较重要的是吹嘴跟簧片, 初学时为了训练正确的口型(embouture)和容易发声,
3. 品位:矿石(ore)是矿体的主要组成部分,从中可提取有用组分(元素、化合物)的矿物集合体. 矿石一般由矿石矿物矿石中有用组分的含量称为品位(tenor)是衡量矿石质量的主要指标. 大多数金属矿石是以所含金属元素或
Countless papers, expressed in..verbose and tedious tenor.
出自:J. H. BurtonThe very tenor of the conversation excluded men.
出自:A. Brookner