英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈtraɪæŋgl]

美 [ˈtraɪˌæŋɡəl]



  • 详情解释

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  • 词典解释

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  • 三角关系
  • 【几何】三角形
  • 三角形物体,三角形的东西
  • 【天】三角星座
  • 三角板,三角尺
  • 【音】三角铁
  • 【军】三戟刑具
  • 【船】三圆材起重机,三角起重架
  • 三角钩
  • 三人一组
  • 三角形的
  • [C]三角形; 三角形物体 geometric figure with three straight sides and three angles; thing shaped like this
  • [C]三人一组; 三角关系 situation involving three people, ideas, opinions, etc.


1. a percussion instrument consisting of a metal bar bent in the shape of an open triangle

2. any of various triangular drafting instruments used to draw straight lines at specified angles

3. a three-sided polygon

Synonym: trigontrilateral

4. something approximating the shape of a triangle

e.g. the coastline of Chile and Argentina and Brazil forms two legs of a triangle

1. 三角(形);三角形物体
A triangle is an object, arrangement, or flat shape with three straight sides and three angles.

e.g. This design is in pastel colours with three rectangles and three triangles…
这一设计由淡色的 3 个长方形和 3 个三角形构成。
e.g. Its outline roughly forms an equilateral triangle.

2. 三角铁(一种打击乐器)
The triangle is a musical instrument that consists of a piece of metal shaped like a triangle. You play it by hitting it with a short metal bar.

3. 三角关系
If you describe a group of three people as a triangle, you mean that they are all connected with each other in a particular situation, but often have different interests.


e.g. She plays a French woman in a love triangle with Jonathan Pryce and Christopher Walken.
e.g. …the classic triangle of husband, wife and mistress.

1. 恐怖游轮:夸克电影讯 梅利莎.乔治和利亚姆.海莫斯沃斯主演的澳大利亚惊悚片<>(Triangle)发布首款官方预告片.

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • He drew a right triangle.
  • The place is a cobbled triangle.
  • Finance, fashion and flourish—the triangle upon which the store was built.
  • The triangle formed by three mountain peaks.

    出自:M. Kline
  • A triangle of light from the streetlamp fell on my sheets.

  • Shrimps..with thin triangles of toast.

    出自:E. J. Howard
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 14世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自古法语的triangle;最初源自拉丁语的triangulum,意为三角形。
So, we have to find the area of the triangle.(因此我们必须求出三角形的面积。)
If such practices are unchecked, half the species in the Coral triangle will continue to disappear at a rate of 1-2% a year.(如果这些行为不加以制止,那么珊瑚三角区内一半的物种将以每年1-2%的速度继续消亡。)
We can apply Stewart's theorem directly to the median of a triangle.(我们可以把斯图尔特定理直接应用于三角形的中线上。)
A love triangle of the most grotesque kind.(最荒诞不经的一种三角恋爱。)
You have nicer legs than an Isosceles right triangle.(你的腿比等腰直角三角形漂亮多了。)
The place is a cobbled triangle.(这个地方是一块铺石子的三角地。)
You have a right triangle.(你就得到一个直角三角形。)
You may find yourself caught in a triangle.(你可能会卷入三角恋。)
My musical career consisted of playing the triangle in kindergarten.(我的音乐生涯包括在幼儿园演奏三角铁。)
Is this an impossible triangle?(这是一个无法实现的角度吗?)
triangle是什么意思 triangle在线翻译 triangle什么意思 triangle的意思 triangle的翻译 triangle的解释 triangle的发音 triangle的同义词