英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 23:12:06



英 [θaɪ]

美 [θaɪ]


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  • 大腿骨
  • 【解】大腿
  • 【虫】股节
  • 腿部
  • 胯股
  • 股骨
  • 食用的鸡腿
  • 横裆
  • [C]股,大腿 the part of the human leg between the knee and the hip


1. the part of the leg between the hip and the knee

2. the upper joint of the leg of a fowl

Synonym: second joint

1. 大腿;股
Your thighs are the top parts of your legs, between your knees and your hips.

1. 大腿:(a) 大腿(thigh)肌肤以会阴部(Perineum)附近,大腿内半侧较薄与松弛,所以抽脂后易产生皱折,必须加强术后护理,才能得到漂亮的结果. 尤其抽脂后,皮肤下为真空状态,积满血水,必须防止内层疤痕的形成,护理更形重要.

2. 腿部:此面板左方显示元素之间的层级关系以及光源与摄像机等,例如人物造型可展开(expand)成臀部(Hip)、腹部(Abdomen)、胸部(Chest)、腿部(Thigh)等部位元素,每个部位元素在按下该灰色垂直的三角形记号后可展开缩放(Scale)、扭转(Twist

3. 腿:譬如2块鸡肉-鸡翅(wing),鸡胸(breast)和附加菜:美金3.702块鸡肉-鸡腿(leg),鸡上腿(thigh)和附加菜:美金3.053块鸡肉-鸡翅(wing),鸡胸(breast)和附加菜:美金5.503块鸡肉-鸡腿(leg),鸡上腿(thigh)和附加菜:美金4.14

4. 大腿骨:大腿骨(thigh)与小腿骨(shin)是连接的,就像足(foot)与IK_heel骨一样. 脚趾骨(toe)与足(foot)是作为IK_foot骨的子级.

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The water came up to the fisherman's thighs.
  • The thigh of his worn jeans.

    出自:B. Moore
Probably because of relatively weak thigh muscles and a lack of foot support.(可能是由于相对羸弱的大腿肌肉以及缺乏脚的支撑。)
Abraham makes his servant put his hand under his thigh while swearing to God.(亚伯拉罕让他的仆人向上帝发誓时,把手放在他的大腿下。)
A thigh injury increasingly hindered her mobility.(大腿上的伤愈发束缚了她的活动自由。)
Feel the stretch along the front of the thigh of the bent leg.(腿部弯曲时,大腿的前部要有拉胀感。)
It's up to my thigh.(它吞到了我的大腿。)
I wasn't badly hurt, but I injured my thigh and had to limp.(我伤得并不严重,但我伤到了大腿,不得不一瘸一拐地走路。)
That would have anchored enormous thigh muscles, which may have been used to deliver powerful kicks to raptors and other enemies.(那将会用来固定巨大的大腿肌肉,这块肌肉可能曾用来给予猛禽和其它敌人有力的一踢。)
The doctor grafted a piece of skin from his thigh onto his wound.(医生把他大腿上的一块皮肤移植到他的伤口上。)
Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, o most mighty, with thy glory and thy majesty.(大能者阿,愿你腰间佩刀,大有荣耀和威严。)
The playground roared liked a rodeo, and thepotato burned through my thigh.(操场上闹哄哄得像在举办马术竞赛会似的。土豆在我大腿上热得不行。)
thigh是什么意思 thigh在线翻译 thigh什么意思 thigh的意思 thigh的翻译 thigh的解释 thigh的发音 thigh的同义词