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更新时间:2024-04-30 21:41:23



英 [θrɔ:l]

美 [θrɔl]



名词: thralldom 过去式: thralled 过去分词: thralled 现在分词: thralling 第三人称单数: thralls

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1. someone held in bondage

2. the state of being under the control of another person

Synonym: bondageslaverythralldomthraldom

1. 控制;奴役;束缚
If you say that someone is in thrall to a person or thing, you mean that they are completely in their power or are greatly influenced by them.


e.g. He is not in thrall to the media...
e.g. Tomorrow's children will be even more in the thrall of the silicon chip.


1. 束缚:thraldom 奴隶的身份 | thrall 束缚 | thralldom 束缚

2. 奴隶:testimony#证言 | thrall#奴隶 | throng#群众

3. 农奴,奴隶:509. therapist: 治疗专家. | 510. thrall: 农奴,奴隶. | 511. tinker: 补锅工人. v.修补.

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1. in thrall to : 被...束缚着;

2. in thrall : 受奴役, 处于奴隶状态;

  • Nine thralls were working in a sloping field.

    出自:K. Crossley
  • The veriest thrall to sympathies, apathies, antipathies.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

OK, none of that is true. British people are as in thrall to their royal family as you are.(好吧,这些都是假的。英国人和你一样,被他们的皇室家庭所束缚着。)
Thrall: Those pig creatures are unlike anything I've ever seen before.(萨尔:这些猪形生物的样子我真是前所未见。)
But over the past five years he has been in Jupiter's thrall.(但是在过去5年里,他一直痴迷于木星。)
“I don’t want to be in her thrall,” he recently said. Mr Abbas probably wishes he were.(他最近说“我不想受她的奴役”,也许阿巴斯想受她奴役。)
Thrall: Quickly, my warriors, the wyverns must be freed!(萨尔:快点,我的勇士们,必须解救那些双足飞龙!)
Thrall: Perhaps this is our destiny… to go on fighting the humans forever.(萨尔:这也许是我们的命运…永远与人类争斗。)
Thrall: To the Oracle. What is it?(萨尔:说到圣贤。他究竟是什么样人物?)
Thrall: Cairne! What are you doing here?(萨尔:凯恩!你来此做什么?)
Vespucci's contemporaries were not in thrall to hard facts based on firm evidence.(瓦斯普契的同时代人并不相信有着确凿证据的明确事实。)
He is not in thrall to the media.(他不受制于媒体。)
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