英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:30:33
  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

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  • 音信
  • 消息
  • 音讯
  • 《信息报》



1. information about recent and important events

e.g. they awaited news of the outcome

Synonym: newsintelligenceword

1. 消息
You can use tidings to refer to news that someone tells you.

e.g. He hated always to be the bearer of bad tidings...
e.g. I dare to hope that your heart will be touched by the tidings of my survival.

1. 消息:根据<>的解释,在古英语中有newes、 newis、 newys 、niewes等多种表达方式,表达1、新的事物、小说;2、消息(Tidings)、对新近事实的报告;3、单条消息;4、消息发送、送信者、印刷品;5报纸等多种意思.

2. 音信:Rewind倒退*3 | Tidings音信*1 | Darkblast黑暗衝擊波*1

3. 消毗/音信/信/消息:tidiness /整齐/整洁/ | tidings /消毗/音信/信/消息/ | tidology /潮汐学/

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

But thee We only sent to give glad tidings and admonition.(我只派遣你为报喜者和警告者。)
That life was not a stable permanent fixture was itself the sorrowful tidings which helped to lighten my mind.(生命并非坚固永久的东西,它本身就是一个悲讯,这使我沉重的心情有所减轻。)
I bring some hard tidings, Cersei.(我带来一些坏消息,瑟曦。)
Whilst he lay there benumbed with terror, dreadful tidings were speeding through the palace.(当他躺在那儿吓得呆若木鸡的时候,可怕的消息在宫里传开了。)
For two months they have had no tidings of Him.(那里的人已经有两个多月没有他的消息了。)
He hated to be the bearer of bad tidings.(他讨厌当坏消息的信使。)
Hearken well and spread my tidings.(请仔细听好并将它广为流传。)
He brought glad tidings.(他带来了喜讯。)
The tidings struck a chill to the heart of the poor little waif, and sent a shudder through his frame.(这个消息使这个可怜的小流浪儿的心凉了半截,他浑身打了个寒颤。)
And the king said, If he be alone, there is tidings in his mouth.(王说,他若独自来,必是报口信的。)
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