英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈtɜ:mɪneɪt]

美 [ˈtɜ:rmɪneɪt]


过去式: terminated 过去分词: terminated 现在分词: terminating 第三人称单数: terminates

The process interfaces are used for initiating the process itself or for controlling aspects of the process (for example, wait, terminate, compensate).(这些流程接口用于启动流程本身或者用于控制流程的各个方面(例如等待(wait)、终止(terminate)和补偿(compensate))。)
They frequently terminate at a recessional moraine.(它们经常在后退冰碛处终止。)
The downside of the lsof command is that you always have to either contact users and ask them to terminate certain processes or manually terminate them yourself.(lsof命令的缺点是,必须联系用户并要求他们终止某些进程,或者自己手工终止它们。)
Mossy fibres terminate in the stratum lucidum of area CA3.(苔藓纤维终止于CA3区透明层。)
The marker's first number represents time in abstract units; the second optional number enclosed in parenthesis is the number of requests that terminate at this point.(标记的第一个数字表示以抽象单位计算的时间;第二个使用圆括号括起的可选数字表示在该点终止的请求数。)
If the program has not fully executed when you are done debugging, select the Terminate option from the context menu in the debug view.(如果您完成调试时程序还没有被完整地执行过,请在Debug视图中的上下文菜单中选择terminate选项。)
A final state is used to identify normal or expected state machine completion, while a terminate state should be used to identify abnormal or unexpected completion.(最终状态应当用于确定状态机的正常或期望完成状态,而终止状态应当用于确定异常或意外完成状态。)
The Allow termination of remote VM flag is a toggle that determines whether the Terminate command is enabled in the debugger.(AllowterminationofremoteVM标志是一个开关,它确定调试器中是否支持Terminate命令。)
A linked list consists of a node structure that contains two members: the data it is holding and a pointer to another node structure (or NULL, to terminate the list).(链表所包含的节点结构体由两部分构成:它所持有的数据,以及指向另一个节点结构体(或者是NULL,结束链表)的指针。)
If multiple namespaces are specified in a single server entry, authentication to all namespaces must be made otherwise the application will terminate the audit run.(如果在单个服务器项内指定多个名称空间,那么必须验证通过所有的名称空间,否则此应用程序将会终止这次的验证。)
  • 详情解释

  • 双解释义

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 结束,终止,停止,完结
  • 使停止,使结束,使终止,使结尾
  • 解雇雇员,免…的职
  • 结果,结尾 ,了结
  • 归于
  • 以...告终
  • 达到尽头,达到终点
  • 解除
  • 限定,定界
  • 中断
  • 满期
  • (公交车等)到达终点站
  • 有限的
  • 终止的
  • 有结尾的
  • vt. & vi. 结束;使终结 come,bring to an end;finish



1. bring to an end or halt

e.g. She ended their friendship when she found out that he had once been convicted of a crime
The attack on Poland terminated the relatively peaceful period after WW I

Synonym: end

2. terminate the employment of
discharge from an office or position

e.g. The boss fired his secretary today
The company terminated 25% of its workers

Synonym: displacefiregive noticecandismissgive the axesend awaysackforce outgive the sack

3. have an end, in a temporal, spatial, or quantitative sense
either spatial or metaphorical

e.g. the bronchioles terminate in a capillary bed
Your rights stop where you infringe upon the rights of other
My property ends by the bushes
The symphony ends in a pianissimo

Synonym: endstopfinishcease

4. be the end of
be the last or concluding part of

e.g. This sad scene ended the movie

Synonym: end

1. (使)终止;(使)结束
When you terminate something or when it terminates, it ends completely.

e.g. Her next remark abruptly terminated the conversation...
e.g. His contract terminates at the end of the season.

...a dispute which led to the abrupt termination of trade.

2. 终止(妊娠)
To terminate a pregnancy means to end it.

e.g. After a lot of agonizing she decided to terminate the pregnancy...
e.g. In the world as a whole, about ten per cent of all pregnancies are terminated.
从全世界看来,所有怀孕的人中约 10% 的妊娠被终止了。

You should also have a medical check-up after the termination of a pregnancy.

3. (火车、公共汽车)到达终点
When a train or bus terminates somewhere, it ends its journey there.

e.g. This train will terminate at Taunton.

1. 终止:这些流程接口用于启动流程本身或者用于控制流程的各个方面(例如等待(wait)、终止(terminate)和补偿(compensate)). 流程所公开的 Web 服务操作在执行与该流程相关联的业务任务时,可以聚集其他的 Web 服务. 因此,


2. 中止:结束窗体的事件有两个:请求关闭(QueryClose)和中止(Terminate). 请求关闭事件首先发生,并且给您取消的机会(不会关闭窗体中止事件是最终的并不能取消. 如果您不卸载窗体而只是隐藏它,然后再显示它,初始化事件不会再运行. 但是,

3. 结束:eg: 访问一个四个字长15) SIGTERM 结束(terminate)信号, 与SIGKILL不同的是该信号可以被阻塞和18) SIGCONT 让一个停止(stopped)的进程继续执行. 本信号不能被阻塞. 可以用19) SIGSTOP 停止(stopped)进程的执行. 注意它和terminate以及interrupt的区别:

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • The conference terminated yesterday.
  • Death had..terminated the..intimate correspondences.

    出自:V. Brittain
  • The program may be terminated by typing 'QUIT'.

    出自:Acorn User
terminate是什么意思 terminate在线翻译 terminate什么意思 terminate的意思 terminate的翻译 terminate的解释 terminate的发音 terminate的同义词