英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-09-20 03:21:49
  • 英英释义

tin can在线翻译


1. airtight sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc.

Synonym: cantin

2. informal term for a destroyer

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Then I realized the tin can was invented 1810.(但我意识到罐头于1810年被发明出来。)
The boy beat out a tune on a tin can.(那男孩在易拉罐上敲出一首曲子。)
Almost 15 years later, a search party found a single sheet of paper left in a tin can covered by stones on King William Island in the Canadian Arctic.(15年之后,搜索队在加拿大北极地区的威廉王岛,发现了锡罐里的一张纸,罐顶上还压着一块石头。)
The results show that doping 1%( mass fraction, same as below) P to pure tin can improve the strength and stiffness, decrease the plasticity.(结果显示在纯锡中添加1%(质量分数,下同)P,能够提高强度、刚度,降低塑性;)
Later, I noticed a tin can standing upside down on the grill over the fire.(后来,我发现有一个锡罐子倒放在火炉的烤架上。)
While the others swam, I always pretended to be intent upon minor repairs to it, or trying to catch minnows along its base with an old tin can.(别人游泳的时候,我总是假装埋头为它修补东修补西,或是拿着旧锡罐﹐沿着坝座捉小鱼。)
For instance, you will find that you have the necessary equipment for making 60 cycle noises when a tin can is set on top of the magnet.(例如,你会发现你有60个周期的噪音作出必要的设备时,罐上的磁铁顶部设置。)
The trap made of an old tin can and some wire is an ingenious device.(这个由旧锡罐和一些电线做成的陷阱是一个天才之作。)
Bearing metal tin can up closed and reduce friction role.(轴承金属镀锡可起密合和减磨作用。)
He beat out a tune on a tin can.(他在洋铁罐上敲奏出一支曲子来。)
tin can是什么意思 tin can在线翻译 tin can什么意思 tin can的意思 tin can的翻译 tin can的解释 tin can的发音 tin can的同义词