英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-07-01 23:09:27

tissue fluid

英 [ˈtisju: ˈflu:ɪd]

美 [ˈtɪʃu ˈfluɪd]


  • 网络解释

1. 组织液:组织液(tissue fluid)是从毛细血管动脉端渗入基质内的液体,经毛细血管静脉端和毛细淋巴管回流入血液或淋巴,组织液不断更新,有利于血液与细胞进行物质交换,成为组织和细胞赖以生存的内环境.

2. 胞间液:tissue extract 组织提取液 | tissue fluid 胞间液 | tissue juice 组织液

3. 组织流体,组织液:tissue fat ==> 组织脂肪 | tissue fluid ==> 组织流体,组织液 | tissue forceps ==> 组织钳

The tissue space is filled with tissue fluid.(组织间隙充满了组织液。)
The walls of the tissue fluid pool were not endothelia.(组织液池无内皮细胞形成的壁。)
How Glucosamine & Chondroitin Sulfate Work:Glucosamine is a basic building block for cartilage, synovial fluid and other connective tissue.(氨基葡萄糖是软骨,关节液和其他结缔肌肉组织最需要地基本组成部分。)
Western medicine: Saltpetre thread of placental tissue fluid, gentamicin, compound, armour wow, 50 % dextrose fluid.(西药:胎盘组织液、庆大霉素、复方黄连素、甲硝哇、50%葡萄糖液等。)
Objective to observe the quantity of drainage fluid after operation and to evaluate the application of negative pressure drainage in skin soft tissue expansion.(目的通过术后引流量的观察,对负压引流在皮肤软组织扩张术中的应用作出评价。)
The physiological structure of cancellous bone is composed of the trabeculae architecture and the tissue fluid which is full of the porous skeleton.(在生理结构上,松质骨由骨小梁构成的骨架结构和充满于该结构之间的组织液组成。)
Objective To study the effects of serum and decidual tissue fluid in early pregnant women on natural killer cells (NK cells) activity and lymphocyte proliferation.(目的探讨早孕妇女血清及蜕膜组织液对自然杀伤(NK)细胞及淋巴细胞功能的影响。)
Objective To investigate the effect of subcrustal tissue fluid (STF) on the endothelial cell (EC).(目的了解痂下水肿液(STF)对内皮细胞通透性的影响。)
Doctors say the fluid and scar tissue are an uncommon complication resulting from the quadruple bypass surgery Mr. Clinton had just six months ago.(医生说,肺部积水和疤痕是克林顿六个月前作心脏搭桥手术所引起的并发症,在类似手术中并不常见。)
We should be careful with the tissue fluid medicine.(我们要谨慎使用组织液药物。)
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