英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:33:22

to perfection

英 [tu: pəˈfekʃən]

美 [tu pɚˈfɛkʃən]

完美地; 尽善尽美地; 完全地
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1. in every detail

e.g. the new house suited them to a T

Synonym: to a Tto the letterjust right

1. 完美地,尽善尽美地,完全地:1264to all intents and purposes几乎在一切方面,实际上 | 1265to perfection完美地,尽善尽美地,完全地 | 1266tokenn. 表征,记号,代币

2. 完全地:to outward seeming 从表面上看来 | to perfection 完全地 | to return to one's muttons 言归正传

3. 完美地,完全地:to my mind 依我看,我认为 | to perfection 完美地,完全地; | to the contrary 相反

4. 补足物, 补语, 余角:389) comely - pleasant to look at; pleasing and wholesome in appearance 清秀的, 标致的 | to perfection.补足物, 补语, 余角 | 403) complicity - partnership in wrongful act 同谋, 共犯

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  • 临近词

Create your own word list and practice them to perfection.(创建您自己的单词表和实践完美。)
Perhaps you will see life a lot differently than before, and realize that it is planned to perfection, even if you cannot see its benefit to you.(也许你会觉得生活比起以前有太多的不同,并且明白它都基于一个完美的计划,即使你无法完全明白它对你们的好处。)
From their whispered intimacies on the podium to their cheerful one-hour conversation on the plane beforehand, the event was choreographed to perfection.(从他们在讲台上的亲密耳语到他们之前在飞机上愉快的交谈,一切都是那么完美。)
I'm happy with the victory, with my goal and because the players are starting to know each other to perfection.(我为胜利和进球感到高兴,因为球员们已经开始意识到其他人的完美。)
If a thing is not done to perfection, it is unacceptable.(做得不完美的事是无法接受的。)
The motion is rapid, yet not hard on the eyes and obviously was nurtured to perfection by Apple's engineers.(动作很快,但是眼睛看起来还是很舒服,可以想见苹果的工程师真的在细处用了心。)
In this movie the main character is Harry played to perfection by Daniel Radcliffe.(片中的主角是由丹尼尔·拉德克利夫饰演的哈利·波特。)
Now, I have no claims to perfection.(现在,我再也不抱怨不完美。)
But though his motivations are cold and his plan calculated to perfection, Boba isn't alone in his malicious machinations against the Jedi Order.(虽然他的动机冷血,计划筹备得天衣无缝,但波巴在实施对抗绝地武士团的恶毒阴谋时并非孤身一人。)
Scouts are masters in long range combat, and use their abilities to bring their bow and crossbow skills to perfection.(童子军的主人在远距离打击,并利用他们的能力,使他们的弓和弩技能完美。)
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