英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:33:54
  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 豆腐
  • 登布(姓,日本)


1. cheeselike food made of curdled soybean milk

Synonym: bean curd

1. 豆腐类:蔬菜类 Vegetables | 豆腐类 Tofu | 燕窝类 Bird's Nest Soup

2. tofu的意思

2. 撞豆腐自殺:think 歪著頭想了一下 | tofu 撞豆腐自殺 | tongue 吐了吐舌頭 :p

3. 名詞 豆腐:I have a sore toe. 我的腳趾頭在痛. | tofu名詞 豆腐. | Many Chinese love tofu. 很多中國人喜歡吃豆腐.

Our pork-stuffed Fried tofu puffs came with a mild chili garlic sauce.(我们肉卷炸豆腐松是有加一种温和的辣椒蒜酱的。)
For the Korean course, I went to Beverly Soon Tofu.(那顿韩国餐我是在贝弗利豆腐锅餐厅吃的。)
That Tofu looks like it will melt in your mouth.(豆腐看起来入口即化。)
The young couple next to me were feeding each other tofu skewers.(我旁边的一对年轻情侣在相互喂食豆腐串。)
You don't need to eat a whole brick of tofu.(你都不需要吃掉一整块豆腐。)
Lok: You've shown us this wonderful product, Suki Tofu.(洛克:您刚才向我们展示了素喜豆腐这个漂亮的产品。)
For an egg-free omelet use tofu instead of eggs.(当制作无蛋鸡蛋卷时建议用豆腐代替鸡蛋。)
No one is calling this a tofu-dregs building.(陈说:“没有任何人讲这是一个豆腐渣楼房。)
"Tilapia," he snarls, "is the tofu of fish."(“罗非鱼,”他嚷嚷着说,“就跟鱼里面的豆腐一样。”)
Add the tofu and toss again.(放入豆腐,再以同样方式翻动。)
tofu是什么意思 tofu在线翻译 tofu什么意思 tofu的意思 tofu的翻译 tofu的解释 tofu的发音 tofu的同义词