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英 [tɔ:ˈneɪdəʊ]

美 [tɔ:rˈneɪdoʊ]


形容词: tornadic 名词复数: tornadoes

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  • 龙卷风
  • 旋风
  • 大雷飑
  • 【气】陆龙卷
  • 爆发
  • 大批袭来
  • 急旋风
  • 雷电交加的暴风雨
  • 陆龙卷
  • 伴有雷暴的飑
  • 大雷雨
  • 猛烈的风暴
  • 飓风
  • [C]龙卷风;旋风 violent and destructive storm over a small area;whirlwind


1. a purified and potent form of cocaine that is smoked rather than snorted
highly addictive

Synonym: crackcrack cocaine

2. a localized and violently destructive windstorm occurring over land characterized by a funnel-shaped cloud extending toward the ground

Synonym: twister

1. 龙卷风;大旋风
A tornado is a violent wind storm consisting of a tall column of air which spins round very fast and causes a lot of damage.


1. 龍捲:入口处推荐能力为龙卷(tornado),但切记不可胡乱地攻击. 它的攻击方式有三种:炸弹、三星杖、冰光束. 其中没有规律轨迹的三星攻击最难闪避,诀窍是躲在团长下方;它发射冰光束期间是最大破绽,利用此时攻击能将风险降到最低.

  • 常用例句

  • A tornado whirled into the town last week.
ELIZA: Yes. If a tornado has been spotted, they announce a "tornado warning".(艾丽沙:是的,如果龙卷风已经被监测到,他们就会宣布“龙卷风警报”。)
ELIZA: Maybe. It depends on the tornado.(艾丽沙:很可能,要视龙卷风而定。)
They had no idea a tornado was coming toward their house.(一点也不知道龙卷风正向他们的房子接近。)
Phil told me there was a new tornado in our area.(菲尔告诉我新一轮龙卷风袭击我们的教区。)
It is hoped that the data gathered will improve tornado warnings and forecasts.(搜集到的数据有望优化龙卷风预警和预报。)
The RAF's enthusiasm for the Tornado is understandable.(皇家空军对“旋风”式战机的热情是可以理解的。)
LEE: I understand. They think a tornado might come.(李:我懂了,他们认为龙卷风可能会来袭。)
It was then that I rushed in like a tornado, wasn't it?(就在那时,我像龙卷风一样冲了进来,是不是?)
Technology's impact will feel like a tornado, hitting the rich world first, but eventually sweeping through poorer countries too.(科技的影响就像一场龙卷风,首先袭击富裕国家,但最终也会席卷贫穷国家。)
For the same reason, tornado cellars musy have an air opening.(出于同样的原因,龙卷风的地下室通常有一个通风口。)
tornado是什么意思 tornado在线翻译 tornado什么意思 tornado的意思 tornado的翻译 tornado的解释 tornado的发音 tornado的同义词