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更新时间:2025-03-24 23:24:11



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美 [tɔ:rˈpi:doʊ]



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名词复数: torpedoes 过去式: torpedoed 过去分词: torpedoed 现在分词: torpedoing 第三人称单数: torpedoes

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  • 鱼雷
  • 水雷
  • 掼炮
  • 保镖
  • 油井爆破筒
  • 职业杀手
  • 爆破筒
  • 【铁路】信号雷管
  • 刺客
  • 鱼雷形汽车
  • 【鱼】电鯆
  • 【鱼】电鳐
  • 鱼雷形接头
  • 井底爆炸器
  • 日本单鳍电鳐
  • 鱼雷形喷嘴
  • 地雷
  • 用鱼雷袭击
  • 彻底破坏
  • 完全摧毁
  • 使彻底完蛋
  • 发射鱼雷
  • 敷设水雷
  • 装置爆破筒
  • 破坏
  • 使失去
  • 击沉
  • 用鱼雷进攻
  • 用鱼雷破坏


1. any sluggish bottom-dwelling ray of the order Torpediniformes having a rounded body and electric organs on each side of the head capable of emitting strong electric discharges

Synonym: electric raycrampfishnumbfish

2. armament consisting of a long cylindrical self-propelled underwater projectile that detonates on contact with a target

3. a small explosive device that is placed on a railroad track and fires when a train runs over it
the sound of the explosion warns the engineer of danger ahead

4. a small firework that consists of a percussion cap and some gravel wrapped in paper
explodes when thrown forcefully against a hard surface

5. an explosive device that is set off in an oil well (or a gas well) to start or to increase the flow of oil (or gas)

6. a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments)
different names are used in different sections of the United States

Synonym: bombergrinderherohero sandwichhoagiehoagyCuban sandwichItalian sandwichpoor boysubsubmarinesubmarine sandwichwedgezep

7. a professional killer who uses a gun

Synonym: gunmangunslingerhired gungungun for hiretriggermanhit manhitmanshooter


1. attack or hit with torpedoes

1. 鱼雷;水雷
A torpedo is bomb that is shaped like a tube and that travels under water.

2. 用鱼雷袭击(或击中、击沉)
If a ship is torpedoed, it is hit, and usually sunk, by a torpedo or torpedoes.

e.g. More than a thousand people died when the Lusitania was torpedoed.
卢西塔尼亚号被鱼雷击沉,导致 1,000 多人死亡。

3. 故意破坏;使彻底完蛋
If someone torpedoes negotiations or plans, they deliberately prevent them from being completed or from being successful.

e.g. These attacks are seen as an effort to torpedo the talks.


1. 水雷:两派之间通过古老的协议维持着力量的平衡,直到有一天,一个拥有无限潜能的小男孩出现,两方为争夺这个打破制衡的力量展开人魔大战,世界开始崩溃......家也是十分富有的贵族,事实上,Agathe 的祖父就是水雷(torpedo)的发明者.

2. 电鳐:目的:从人免疫球蛋白(Ig)转基因小鼠制备人源性抗乙酰胆碱受体(AChR)单克隆抗体.方法:以电鳐(Torpedo)AChR(tAChR)作为基础免疫原,分别以tAChR或人AChR (hAChR)α亚单位1~210位氨基酸(Hα1-210)与thioredoxin(Trx)融合制备的融合蛋白Trx- Hα1-210作为加强免疫原,

3. 击败对手:HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON获得一辆眼镜蛇汽车 | TORPEDO击败对手 | TO SMITHEREENS获得Saboteur

  • 经典引文

  • The ship on which he was travelling was torpedoed.

    出自:H. Carpenter
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

On the other hand, if all of a tumour's stem cells could be killed then it would torpedo the old wisdom that no patient is ever cured of cancer, but merely goes into remission.(从另外一个角度来看,如果所有癌的干细胞都能被杀死,癌症就完全可能治好。)
Aiming at the current status that helicopter uses single torpedo to attack submarine, a method of two torpedoes salvo for helicopter hovering attack is presented.(针对直升机投雷一般采用单雷射击的现状,提出了采用直升机悬停双雷齐射的方法。)
Will Rising Interest Rates Torpedo Stock and House Prices?(利率上升会危及股价和房价吗?)
The model is a real time computer model for the calculation and prediction of hot metal temperature in the torpedo car and calculation of refractory lining temperature of empty car.(该模型可以实时计算和预测重罐时的铁水温度,以及空罐时的罐衬温度。)
As Carter began his own run from aft of the battleship, he could see tracers arcing toward his Avenger. He launched his torpedo across Yamato's curving wake.(当卡特准备从大和的船尾发动攻击时,他看到巨舰发出的炮火轨迹向他的复仇者袭来。)
Dick claimed that he could not torpedo Wayne's plan.(狄克宣称他破坏不了韦恩的计划。)
The main reason for improving the offer, however, was to overcome disaffection among Bear's employees and shareholders, who had threatened to torpedo the deal.(然而提高收购的主要原因是想平息贝尔史登股东和雇员的不满情绪;他们曾扬言要破坏这桩交易。)
The reasonable bonding joint between load-bearing metal parts and composite for the present of a certain torpedo is decided to achieve the ideal bonding and leakproof.(确定以某型号雷体为代表类型的水下兵器用金属承力件与复合材料的合理胶接接头方式,以达到理想的连接、防渗效果。)
Quite possibly, however, this was the work of someone whose intention was to briefly torpedo the Apple share price.(很有可能这个人的意图就是想短暂的攻击苹果的股价。)
This Paper develops a mathematical model of the mooring cable's three dimensional space shape and tension distribution in the mooring torpedo system immersed in current.(本文建立了锚雷系统在海流作用下,锚索在三维空间的形状和张力分布的数学模型。)
torpedo是什么意思 torpedo在线翻译 torpedo什么意思 torpedo的意思 torpedo的翻译 torpedo的解释 torpedo的发音 torpedo的同义词