英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 23:24:47


英 ['tɔ:tʃərəs]

美 [ˈtɔrtʃərəs]


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副词: torturously

  • 英英释义

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1. extremely painful

Synonym: agonizingagonisingexcruciatingharrowingtorturingtorturesome

1. 折磨人的;极端痛苦的;引起痛苦的
Something that is torturous is extremely painful and causes great suffering.

e.g. His breathing was torturous
e.g. This is a torturous, agonizing way to kill someone.

1. torturous是什么意思

1. 受刑的:46) tortuous 弯曲的 | torturous 受刑的 | 47) transitory 短时间的 (指事)

2. 痛苦的:torture 苦闷 | torturous 痛苦的 | torus 花床


3. 折磨人的:Vaporizer 加湿器 | Torturous 折磨人的 | Interpersonal 人际关系的

4. 曲折的:making its torturous way through Congress正在向国会蹒跚行进 | torturous 曲折的 | entrenched opposition坚决反对

  • 经典引文

  • Another torturous night of mosquitoes.

    出自:R. Mistry
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The flight up - which can otherwise be a torturous half hour of self doubt - is a sightseeing pleasure.(这次飞行——也可能是折磨人的半小时自我质疑——是一次愉悦观光机会。)
Sleep researchers from Harvard Medical School performed a slightly torturous experiment on 12 healthy volunteers.(哈佛大学医学院睡眠研究人员对12名健康志愿者进行了轻微失眠实验。)
Most of the secrets, by the way, are not nearly as torturous as running marathons or drinking urine.(大多数的秘密,顺便说一下,并不是如同跑马拉松或者是喝尿那般折磨人的。)
The study on King Lear in the West has experienced a long and torturous process.(《李尔王》在西方的研究经历了一个曲折的过程。)
She has told of her torturous ordeal in a new book written in German, entitled: 'I remain a daughter of the light.'(她在德语新书《我还是光的女儿》中讲述了自己的磨难。)
Because they are used to such a torturous climate, a 42-kilometer run at sea lever is a lot easier for them.(由于他们习惯了这种折磨人的气候,所以海平面上42公里的赛跑对他们而言自然是轻松许多。)
The end is in sight, although he has to maintain a torturous 160 mile per day pace to hit his target.(虽然为了实现目标,他还得每天经受160英里的折磨,但是终点就在眼前。)
PLANNING is not the only obstacle to a rebirth of nuclear power in Britain.The technology's torturous economics are, if anything, even trickier.(阻碍英国核能之新生者,并非只有规划而已,科技的经济成本也面临极大困境。)
On the long torturous road towards...(在漫长而艰辛的…道路。)
That's because using Web mail services was torturous.(因为网络邮件服务在当时是很费事的。)
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