英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˈtaʊzl]

美 [ˈtaʊzəl]



过去式: tousled 过去分词: tousled 现在分词: tousling 第三人称单数: tousles

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. disarrange or rumple

e.g. The strong wind tousled my hair

Synonym: disheveltangle

1. 搅乱:touse 吵架 | tousle 搅乱 | tousy 简陋的


2. 糟乱:tousle 乱发 | tousle 糟乱 | tousurptoseizeusurpation 篡夺

3. 乱发:touseuptoconsumedepletiondrawdowntabes 消耗 | tousle 乱发 | tousle 糟乱

4. 弄乱(头发):tourniquet 止血带 | tousle 弄乱(头发) | tout 兜售;吹捧,吹嘘

It takes a different form, that's all. You can't see their smile or bring them food or tousle their hair or move them around a dance floor. But when those senses weaken, another heightens.(你虽然见不到他们的笑容,不能给他们端食物来,不能揉乱他们的头发,不能带着他们在舞池里跳舞,但是,当这些感觉减弱的时候,另一种感觉正在升华。)
A light wind blows, not strong enough to tousle the stiff green hair sprouting from his head like dry grass.(一阵轻轻的风吹来,没有强到弄乱像干草一样从他头上长出的僵硬的绿色头发。)
He also had a worn folder with newspaper clippings showing him as a tousle-haired boy playing piano, and also showing him leaping in the air in a soccer uniform.(他还有一个收集简报的老旧文件夹,从报纸上可以看到一个头发蓬乱的男孩正在演奏钢琴,还有他身着足球制服跃向空中的镜头。)
The QQ that has used you group, do not suggest you go nevertheless of others group li of tousle advertisement.(利用好你的QQ群,不过不建议你去别人的群里乱发广告。)
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