英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [təˈwɔ:dz]

美 [tɔ:rdz]



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  • 关于,对于,对
  • 将近,接近
  • 向,朝,向着,朝着,朝向,面对,对着
  • 为,为了,以…为目标,用于,致力于,有助于
  • 在即的,即将的
  • 有希望的
  • 在进行中的
  • 有利的
In addition to the uses shown below, towards is used in phrasal verbs such as ‘count towards’ and ‘lean towards’.
除下列用法外,towards 还用于 count towards,lean towards 等短语动词中。

1. 向;朝;面对
If you move, look, or point towards something or someone, you move, look, or point in their direction.

e.g. Caroline leant across the table towards him...
e.g. Anne left Artie and walked down the corridor towards the foyer...

2. 倾向于;趋向于
If things develop towards a particular situation, that situation becomes nearer in time or more likely to happen.

e.g. The talks made little evident progress towards agreement...
e.g. She also began moving toward a different lifestyle.

3. 对;对于;关于
If you have a particular attitude towards something or someone, you have that attitude when you think about them or deal with them.


e.g. It's the business of the individual to determine his own attitude towards religion...
e.g. Not everyone in the world will be kind and caring towards you...

4. 将近(某一时刻)
If something happens towards a particular time, it happens just before that time.

e.g. The Channel tunnel was due to open towards the end of 1993...
海峡隧道预计 1993 年年底前开通。
e.g. There was a forecast of cooler weather toward the end of the week.

5. 接近;靠近
If something is towards part of a place or thing, it is near that part.

e.g. The home of the Morgan family was up Gloucester Road, towards the top of the hill...
e.g. The most popular items are located toward the back of the store.

6. (钱)用于
If you give money towards something, you give it to help pay for that thing.

e.g. He gave them £50,000 towards a house...
他给了他们 5 万英镑用于买房子。
e.g. 71 percent of the entire budget went towards the military…
整个预算的 71% 用于了军备。

1. 朝:听到信箱被推开的声音,Mrs Clarke提着壶悄悄地朝(towards)门口走去. 前后照应 只有伸进手(hand)才能抓住门锁的旋钮. 词义比较 Mrs Clarke不是让热开水掉(drop)、也不是扩散(spread)、覆盖(cover),而是倾倒,灌注(pour)在小偷的手上,

2. 表示朝某个方向:to...目的地,说话者所在处 | up to...表示到达目的地 | towards ...表示朝某个方向

3. towards的翻译

3. 朝着...;向:超级市场 supermarket | 朝着...;向... towards | 潮湿的 moist

  • 经典引文

  • My mother walked over towards me.

    出自:D. Abse
  • The Jaguar must have been nosing towards it for some time.

    出自:E. Bowen
  • He lolled his head towards her.

    出自:J. Herbert
  • Joggers heading towards the park.

    出自:M. Amis
  • Ministers were not considering moving towards a baccalaureate.

    出自:Times Educational Supplement
Everyone was very friendly towards me.(每个人都对我十分友好。)
She walked towards him and then halted.(她向他走去,然后停下。)
The resort is geared towards children.(这个旅游胜地适合儿童玩耍。)
They pulled towards the shore.(他们向岸边划去。)
He made towards the door.(他向门口走去。)
A runaway car came hurtling towards us.(一辆失控的汽车朝我们飞驰而来。)
We drove onwards towards the coast.(我们驱车前往海滨。)
His views tend towards the extreme.(他的观点趋于偏激。)
The dog came lolloping towards them.(那条狗蹒跚地向他们跑来。)
She pulled him gently towards her.(她把他轻轻地拉到身边。)
towards是什么意思 towards在线翻译 towards什么意思 towards的意思 towards的翻译 towards的解释 towards的发音 towards的同义词