英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 19:39:50



英 [ˈtreɪdzmən]

美 [ˈtredzmən]


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  • 商人,店主
  • 零售商
  • 技工
  • 手艺人
  • 送货员
  • 手工工人


1. a merchant who owns or manages a shop

Synonym: shopkeeperstorekeepermarket keeper

1. 商人;手艺人;(尤指)店主
A tradesman is a person, usually a man, who sells goods or services, especially one who owns and runs a shop.

1. 零售商:tradesfolk 商人 | tradesman 零售商 | tradespeople 商人们

2. 商业家(美国克莱斯勒公司道奇部):Tracea || 特雷西(美国福特汽车公司林肯-默寇利部) | Tradesman || 商业家(美国克莱斯勒公司道奇部) | Trafic || 运输(法国国营雷诺集团)

3. 零售商人,小商人:BUSINESSMAN 实业家,商人 | TRADESMAN 零售商人,小商人 | PEDLAR 小贩,商贩

4. 行业人员,商人:trade 商业,行业 | tradesman 行业人员,商人 | traffic analysis 交通分析

The stall-keeper is an important tradesman community in the Chinese history. It plays vital role in promoting circulation of commodities and facilitating the residents.(摊贩是中国历史上重要的零售商人群体,其在促进商品流通、方便市民生活方面发挥了十分重要的作用。)
The fine-wine merchant was an unusually respectable figure—for a tradesman.(对生意人来说,高级葡萄酒商通常是个体面人物。)
She proved to be the daughter of a tradesman, rich enough to afford her the comfortable maintenance which had ever been hers, and decent enough to have always wished for concealment.(原来,她是一个商人的女儿,那商人挺有钱,能供她维持以往那种舒适生活。)
The tradesman has rendered his account.(这商人已经开出他的帐目。)
Every merchant, manufacturer, broker, or tradesman who gives a customer time to pay is really loaning his customer the money.(商人、制造商、经纪人或零售商如果给客户的支付留出了一定的时间,实际上就是在向客户提供信贷。)
Every tradesman ought to read the contract carefully before he strikes hands with a stranger.(每个商人在与陌生人达成协议之前都应细读合同。)
In one debate, an opponent described her father as "a tradesman of some description."(在一次辩论中,一个对手将她的父亲形容为“某种行业的工匠。”)
He got into trouble for seducing the daughter of a respectable tradesman.(他因为引诱一个有名望的商人的女儿而惹上了麻烦。)
He leaves them also his repute. Men think better of us as the sons of a man who could be trusted, the successors of a tradesman of excellent repute.(这也是为子孙们留下口碑,好叫人因著父母的好名声,就看重这些值得信赖之人的子孙们。)
The tradesman balanced his losses against his profits.(那商人把他的亏损跟赢利相抵。)
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