英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:40:00
  • 双语例句


1. Although the riverbed over the slippery rocks loose and full of traps, but I have not worry about the tragic decline valley, or the rubble of residual ice flowing down the sky, the worst results have been nothing but a fall or are not careful, Wei-pin have nothing to fear Shiguwucun or with vehicle division of history into a trail of dust along with the.

2. The car left a trail of dust behind it.

3. Although the author's promise that he can find things in the dust-laden history of the paper trail, the book was his father figure how Zunainai, these are not important, it was important for the historical authenticity is in the integration of its artistic value.


4. Long after a comet and it's tail have passed us by, it leaves behind a thin trail of dust and debris.

5. trail dust的解释

5. In her animated form she leaves a trail of twinkling pixie dust.

6. Of course, that string is a cosmic trail of gas, dust, and stars about 22, 000 light-years long.

7. On the basis of analyzing the strength state of the dust particle in the atmosphere, the theoretical research and numerical simulation were made by studying the arising and velocity trail of the dust which is on the surface of the dust source.

The comet swings around the sun once every 33 years, leaving a trail of dust.(坦普尔·塔特尔彗星每隔33年接近太阳一次,留下一条长长的尘埃尾巴。)
The carriage left a trail of dust.(马车后扬起了一缕烟尘。)
The car raised a trail of dust.(汽车掀起了一股尘土。)
But it only icy weep on the ground, arrive at and dust fuses, have no a trail at all in in the world.(而它只有在冷冰冰的地上哭泣,只到与尘土融合,在世界上了无痕迹。)
The truck left a trail of dust.(卡车后扬起了一缕烟尘。)
Meteor showers occur when the Earth passes through a trail of dust particles left by a comet.(在地球穿过彗星留下的尘埃颗粒的踪迹的时候,流星雨发生。)
The wagon left a trail of dust.(大篷车过处扬起一片灰尘。)
Of course, that string is a cosmic trail of gas, dust, and stars about 22, 000 light-years long.(当然,那条线是由气体、尘埃、恒星组成的约22000光年长的宇宙余迹。)
trail dust是什么意思 trail dust在线翻译 trail dust什么意思 trail dust的意思 trail dust的翻译 trail dust的解释 trail dust的发音 trail dust的同义词