英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [treɪl]

美 [trel]




过去式: trailed 过去分词: trailed 现在分词: trailing 第三人称单数: trails

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  • 足迹,踪迹,痕迹
  • 一缕
  • 一系列
  • 小道,小路,小径,踏成的路
  • 一长串
  • 拖裾,拖曳物,长长地拖垂后头的东西
  • 尾部,尾
  • 臭迹
  • 路径,路线
  • 跟踪,追踪(猎物)
  • 蔓生,蔓延
  • 落后于,磨蹭
  • 拖带,拖曳,拖,曳,拉
  • 垂下,垂地
  • 拖沓行走,拖着走,疲惫地走,没精打采地慢走
  • 减弱,变小
  • 在…上踩出路
  • 标出(路)
  • 预告(节目)
  • (被)拖在或跟在(…的后面),尾随,牵引
  • 失败,输,失利
  • 提(枪)
  • 爬在地上,慢慢爬行
  • 拖着尾巴
  • 踪迹
  • 伸展开
  • vt. & vi. 拖,拉,拽 drag or be dragged behind
  • vt. & vi. 跟踪; 追猎 follow the tracks of; hunt by smell, sign
  • [C]足迹; 臭迹 the track or smell of a person or animal
  • [C]小径 a path across rough country made by the passing of people or animals
  • [C]一缕,一股 a stream of dust, smoke, people, vehicles, etc., behind sth moving


1. a path or track roughly blazed through wild or hilly country

2. evidence pointing to a possible solution

e.g. the police are following a promising lead
the trail led straight to the perpetrator

Synonym: leadtrack

3. a track or mark left by something that has passed

e.g. there as a trail of blood
a tear left its trail on her cheek


1. drag loosely along a surface
allow to sweep the ground

e.g. The toddler was trailing his pants
She trained her long scarf behind her

Synonym: train

2. hang down so as to drag along the ground

e.g. The bride's veiled trailed along the ground

3. go after with the intent to catch

e.g. The policeman chased the mugger down the alley
the dog chased the rabbit

Synonym: chasechase aftertailtaggive chasedoggo aftertrack

4. to lag or linger behind

e.g. But in so many other areas we still are dragging

Synonym: dragget behindhang backdrop behinddrop back

5. move, proceed, or walk draggingly or slowly

e.g. John trailed behind his class mates
The Mercedes trailed behind the horse cart

Synonym: shack

1. 乡间小路;林间小道
A trail is a rough path across open country or through forests.

e.g. He was following a broad trail through the trees.

2. (特定)路线,路径
A trail is a route along a series of paths or roads, often one that has been planned and marked out for a particular purpose.


e.g. ...a large area of woodland with hiking and walking trails.

3. (一串)痕迹,足迹,踪迹
A trail is a series of marks or other signs of movement or other activities left by someone or something.

e.g. Everywhere in the house was a sticky trail of orange juice...
e.g. He left a trail of clues at the scenes of his crimes…

4. 跟踪;追踪;追猎
If you trail someone or something, you follow them secretly, often by finding the marks or signs that they have left.

e.g. Two detectives were trailing him...
e.g. I trailed her to a shop in Kensington.

5. (竞选)巡游路线
You can refer to all the places that a politician visits in the period before an election as their campaign trail .

e.g. During a recent speech on the campaign trail, he was interrupted by hecklers.
e.g. …at the end of a hard day on the election trail.

6. (使)拖在后面;(使)下垂;(使)曳地
If you trail something or it trails, it hangs down loosely behind you as you move along.

e.g. She came down the stairs slowly, trailing the coat behind her...
e.g. He let his fingers trail in the water.

7. (常指跟着别人)拖沓行走,没精打采地走
If someone trails somewhere, they move there slowly, without any energy or enthusiasm, often following someone else.

e.g. He trailed through the wet Manhattan streets...
e.g. I spent a long afternoon trailing behind him.

8. (比分)落后
If a person or team in a sports match or other contest is trailing, they have a lower score than their opponents.

e.g. He scored again, leaving Dartford trailing 3-0 at the break...
他又进球了,使得中场休息时达特福德队以 3: 0 落后。
e.g. The polls showed the Tories trailing behind the Government by 17 per cent.
民调显示,保守党落后于政府 17 个百分点。

9. 追踪;寻找
If you are on the trail of a person or thing, you are trying hard to find them or find out about them.


e.g. The police were hot on his trail...
e.g. There was a newspaper on the trail of the story.

10. see also: nature trail;paper trail. to blaze a trail
-> see blaze

相关词组:trail off

1. 痕迹:这个任务的内容是要去偷一辆车(Uranus),它会在经过的地方留下痕迹(trail),而这样的讯号会由红色变黄色慢慢变弱,所以要尽快追上它,不然可是会被甩远而收不到她车子发出的讯号,追上后可以用在Driving school学到的P.I.T.技巧对付她,

2. trail的反义词

2. 踪迹:夕阳黄昏下,一根铁轨(rail)延伸到远方,Bobby老师拖着女朋友的手,她正摇摇晃晃地走在一根轨轶上,留下了一串串爱的踪迹(trail)想象:十年后的Bobby老师,左右手各抱一个孩子,还拖(trail)着像铁轨(rail)一样的老婆.


3. 路径:需要指出ASTN/ASON和其他传送网一样可支持多客户层-服务器层关系,服务器层仅仅是通过提供其路径(Trail)来支持客户层链路(Link),客户层是看不到服务器层的拓扑信息的,但这并不妨碍上层甚至端用户对带宽提出要求直至控制配置.

4. trail:tumor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand; 肿瘤坏死因子相关凋亡诱导配体

5. trail在线翻译

5. trail:tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand; 肿瘤坏死因子相关的凋亡诱导配体

6. trail是什么意思

6. trail:tnf-related apoptosis-inducing ligand; tnf相关凋亡诱导配体

  • 常用短语

  • 相关词组

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

    跟随 follow with sb
    trail along

    Her long skirt was trailing along in the mud.


    His sister trailed along after him.


    The tired children trailed along behind their parents.


1. off the trail : 出轨;

2. in trail : 成一列纵队;

3. blaze a trail : 开辟道路;

  • The kite's tail trailed in the air.
  • A thin veil of mist trailed below.
  • The ivies trail over the walls.
  • The tablecloth trails on the floor.
  • The children trailed behind their teacher.
  • Everyone else came trailing behind.
  • Hunters spent long days trailing over the desert.
  • Her voice trailed away.
  • The wounded soldiers trailed past us.
  • Refugees trailed from their ruined village.
  • The dog trailed him constantly.
  • He came to see me and trailed a stranger.
  • He is not willing to trail his classmates.
  • The police trailed the criminal.
  • The hunter was trailing a wild animal.
  • They trailed the thieves to their hide-out.
  • She trailed a toy cart on a string.
  • The child trailed a toy horse after him.
  • An aeroplane flew across the sky trailing white vapor.
用作动词 (v.)
用作名词 (n.)
  • Cheeks..Which a trail of golden hair Keeps from fading.

    出自:E. B. Browning
  • The curtain..is..so long that it trails on the ground.

    出自:P. Norman
  • Leaning back in the..boat with his hand trailing in the water.

    出自:E. Figes
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • 词源解说

  • trail的基本意思是物体被拖拉于地。引申可指“拖着沉重步伐”“无精打采地走开”“声音、兴趣等逐渐变小〔减弱〕”。trail还可表示“跟踪”,指按着某人或动物的足迹追踪。
  • trail既可用作不及物动词,也可用作及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。
  • trail常与off连用,表示“逐渐减弱或变小等”“离题而变得无效”; 与along连用表示“跟随”。
trail, chase, follow, pursue, tag, tail
  • 这组词都有“跟随,追踪”的意思。它们的区别是:
  • 1.follow指跟随起引导作用的人或物或遵循他人的计划; 而pursue指为达到某个目的而坚持不懈地紧跟、追赶或追求某人、某物或某种事业。跟随他人的计划时用follow,追随自己的计划时用pursue。例如:
  • She has pursued the goal of perfection in her art.在艺术中,她追求完美。
  • She pursued the study of French for four years.她坚持学了四年法语。
  • The country has always pursued a policy of peace.该国一直奉行和平政策。
  • 2.chase指迅速追赶在逃的目标以便将其抓获或赶走,而follow则指继之而来或去。tag指不断地纠缠或恼人的尾随某人; tail指紧密尾随并监视; trail指跟踪追击。例如:
  • The dog chased a mouse, but could not catch it.这狗追赶老鼠,但没有捉住。
  • The policeman chased the thief.警察追赶小偷。
  • What are you tagging along for?You aren't invited.你怎么跟着我?又没邀请你。
  • The detective tailed the thief through the crowd.侦探在人群中跟踪小偷。
  • The hunter trailed the wounded buffalo through the bush.猎人穿过灌木林追猎受伤的水牛。
  • 3.chase较follow, pursue更具感情色彩,除常表示不友好之外,其行动也可能是出于嬉戏或高兴。还可表示一种热切的,为满足情欲而进行的搜寻。例如:
  • The boy chased his playmate around the block.那个男孩绕着街区追逐他的玩伴。
  • He is the man who chased after woman all his life.他就是那个一生都在追求女人的男子。
    • ☆ 1300年左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的trailler,意为拖;最初源自古典拉丁语的tragula,意为拖,拉。
    The hounds were following the fox's trail.(猎犬追踪着狐狸的气味。)
    The police followed the robbers to the airport but then the trail went cold.(警察追踪抢劫犯到了机场,但是后来却失去了他们的踪迹。)
    Taking a walk on the forest trail bring me peace.(在林间小道上散步给我带来宁静。)
    She is interested in remote trail rides.(她喜欢在偏远的小路上骑车。)
    The police were hot on his trail.(警方正紧紧跟踪他。)
    I could see the trail of destruction I had left in the woods.(我能看到我在树林里留下的破坏痕迹。)
    She and some tramps found the trail of the hare.(她和一些流浪者发现了野兔的踪迹。)
    The trail starts just outside the town.(足迹从刚出城的地方开始。)
    The trail had gone cold.(臭迹已经消失了。)
    A small brown fawn hopped across the trail in front of them.(一只小棕鹿在他们面前蹦跳着穿过了小路。)
    trail是什么意思 trail在线翻译 trail什么意思 trail的意思 trail的翻译 trail的解释 trail的发音 trail的同义词