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更新时间:2025-03-24 23:32:36



英 [ˈtri:zn]

美 [ˈtrizən]

n.叛逆 通敌 背叛 叛国罪

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叛逆 通敌 背叛 叛国罪


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  • 谋反
  • 叛逆
  • 叛国(罪)
  • 不忠
  • 背信
  • 危害国家罪(如战时通敌)
  • 造反
  • 大逆不道
  • 变节通敌
  • 阴谋颠覆
  • 背义
  • 通敌
  • 背叛
  • [U]不忠,叛逆,谋反,叛国(罪) act of being not loyal to one's country


1. an act of deliberate betrayal

Synonym: treacherybetrayalperfidy

2. a crime that undermines the offender's government

Synonym: high treasonlese majesty

3. disloyalty by virtue of subversive behavior

Synonym: subversivenesstraitorousness

1. 叛国罪;通敌罪
Treason is the crime of betraying your country, for example by helping its enemies or by trying to remove its government using violence.

1. 叛国罪:on)是因为叛国罪(treason)地球(earth)上的地(d)皮缺乏(dearth)星星(star)缺乏维E(ve)是会饿死(starve)的.赞扬(praise)就是拍(p)别人马屁拍(p)得很高(raise)肝脏(liver)居住(live)在人(r)体内.雪片浮(f)在湖面(lake)上.( 石头(st)能(able)来搭马厩石头(s)做的桌子(table)很稳定.被死(s)车(can)撞了一下,


2. 背叛:丰胸玉腿尽露大展魔鬼身材,三点内衣搭配白色小皮裘既显高贵气质又展性感妩媚. 美国女星菲比-普莱斯(Phoebe Price)在巴黎宣传新片<>(Treason),在酒店内拍摄宣传写真,大摆媚姿秀玉腿,低胸睡衣绽放妖艳风情.

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • They have committed treason against the state.
  • Always alert for treason, always believing that women would betray and desert him.

    出自:M. Puzo
The new law will put official corruption on the same legal footing as treason.(新法律将把职务腐败视同叛国罪。)
The next stage will come when parliament debates whether to try Mr Musharraf for treason.(下一阶段的开幕大戏,是国会对是否以叛国罪起诉穆沙拉夫的讨论。)
Still, is it fair to call climate denial a form of treason?(那么是否还能称“否认气候变化”是一种背叛?)
His behavior was equivalent to treason.(他的行为等于是叛变。)
He was banished from the country for treason.(他因叛国罪而被驱逐出境。)
Don't let me blame others of treason just because they don't think like me.(请别让我仅因他人同我思想迥异而认为他是背叛。)
He was beheaded for high treason.(他因叛国罪被斩首。)
The punishment for treason is death.(对叛国罪的处罚是处死。)
The man committed the crime of treason.(这个人犯了判国罪。)
"Treason doth never prosper!" wrote an English poet, What's the reason?(一位英国诗人写道:“叛逆从不曾成功!”原因何在?)
treason是什么意思 treason在线翻译 treason什么意思 treason的意思 treason的翻译 treason的解释 treason的发音 treason的同义词