英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-02-24 20:54:26



英 [traɪˈʌmfənt]

美 [traɪˈʌmfənt]


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副词: triumphantly

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 成功的
  • 耀武扬威的
  • 胜利的
  • 得意洋洋的
  • 大获全胜的
  • 喜悦的
  • 狂欢的
  • 欢欣鼓舞的
  • 高奏凯歌的
  • 巨大成功的
  • 战胜的
  • 胜利者的
  • 得意的
  • 兴致极高
  • 辉煌的
  • 巍然屹立



1. experiencing triumph

Synonym: victorious

2. joyful and proud especially because of triumph or success

e.g. rejoicing crowds filled the streets on VJ Day
a triumphal success
a triumphant shout

Synonym: exultantexultingjubilantpridefulrejoicingtriumphal

1. (成功或获胜后)欢欣鼓舞的,狂喜的
Someone who is triumphant has gained a victory or succeeded in something and feels very happy about it.

e.g. Duncan and his triumphant soldiers celebrate their military victory…
e.g. The captain's voice was triumphant...

'I thought so,' Evelina said triumphantly…
They marched triumphantly into the capital.

1. 得意扬扬的:得意洋洋的cock-a-hoop high-blown perky | 得意扬扬的triumphant | 德才兼备have both ability and moral integrity

2. 胜利的:triumphal 胜利的 | triumphant 胜利的 | triumphantly 成功地


3. 获胜的:triumph 凯旋 | triumphant 获胜的 | trivial 琐细的

4. triumphant

4. 得胜的,得意洋洋的:triumph 胜利成功,得胜战胜 | triumphant 得胜的,得意洋洋的 | trivial 琐碎的,无足轻重的

  • 经典引文

  • To emerge triumphant from an ordeal where..he should have failed.

    出自:H. J. Laski
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

What were his own feelings about himself at that triumphant moment?(在那个胜利的时刻,他对自己有什么感觉?)
The news media are now focusing on the triumphant aftermath of the Olympics.(新闻媒体现在的焦点集中在庆祝奥运会的辉煌战国。)
The captain's voice was triumphant.(船长的声音听起来得意洋洋的。)
When he returned to the canopy tree his cheeks were flushed and he looked triumphant.(当他回到那棵有着树荫的树时,他的脸颊泛着红晕,有着凯旋的表情。)
Ten years later, you might think that reformers would be feeling triumphant.(十年过去了,也许你觉得这些改革者们应该感到胜利的喜悦。)
The rays were to return to the strengthened moon that shook upon the water in triumphant reassumption.(一道道光线将重聚于满月中,这一圆月在水中摇曳着胜利者归来的光芒。)
There's a triumphant note in his gravelly voice.(他沙哑的嗓音中有一种胜利的口气。)
In books, on TV series and in film, thisdecade saw the triumphant return of the heroic narrative.(——过去的十年里,无论是书籍、电视连续剧还是电影,都目睹了英雄化叙事风格的复兴。)
Feeling triumphant, he stopped for coffee, saw cookies on the counter and gobbled one down.(他离开了家,没有吃这些饼干,带着胜利感,走进咖啡店,看到柜台上的饼干,随手拿了一块。)
There was a triumphant glitter in his eyes.(他眼睛里闪烁着胜利的光辉。)
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