英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 22:00:54



英 [ˈtrɒpɪkl]

美 [ˈtrɑ:pɪkl]


副词: tropically

  • 详情解释

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  • 热带的,位于热带的,来自热带的,产于热带的
  • 热情的,热烈的,激烈的
  • 炎热潮湿的,酷热的,非常热的
  • 【地】回归线的,南回归线的,北回归线的
  • 【文】转义的,比喻的,借喻的
  • [复]薄型织物
  • 男子夏装
  • 热带鱼
  • 热带的; 炎热的 of like or found in the tropics; very hot


1. of weather or climate
hot and humid as in the tropics

e.g. tropical weather

Synonym: tropic

2. characterized by or of the nature of a trope or tropes
changed from its literal sense

3. relating to or situated in or characteristic of the tropics (the region on either side of the equator)

e.g. tropical islands
tropical fruit

Synonym: tropic

4. of or relating to the tropics, or either tropic

e.g. tropical year

1. 热带的;有热带特征的
Tropical means belonging to or typical of the tropics.


e.g. ...tropical diseases.
e.g. ...a plan to preserve the world's tropical forests.

2. 湿热的;典型热带气候的
Tropical weather is hot and damp weather that people believe to be typical of the tropics.

1. 热带的:tropical year 回归年 | tropical 热带的 | tropicalize 热带化


2. 热带彩虹:银沙黑(浅)Trigaches Light | 热带彩虹Tropical | 巴伊亚灰条红Tropical Bahia

3. 酷热的:tropical zone 热带载重线区 | tropical 酷热的 | tropical 热带的

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • He has bought some tropical fruits.
  • He is used to the tropical weather.
用作形容词 (adj.)
If you like, add some tropical fruits such as pineapple or papaya.(如果你喜欢,可以加入一些热带水果,如菠萝或木瓜。)
It says tropical storms formerly claimed dozens, if not hundreds of lives, each year in Cuba.(据说以前热带风暴每年在古巴造成的死亡人数,没有几百人也有数十人。)
The aquarium has some interesting specimens of unusual tropical fish.(水族馆里有一些很有趣的罕见的热带鱼。)
Records from India and tropical Africa are even more recent.(来自印度和热带非洲的记录甚至更晚。)
The koel, a tropical cuckoo that lurks in thick cover, has a rising bisyllabic wolf-whistle.(噪鹃是热带的一种布谷鸟,它潜伏在灌木丛中,发出有节奏的似狼叫声。)
Most important of all, the Amazon irrigates the largest tropical rain forest on earth.(最重要的是,亚马逊河灌溉着地球上最大的热带雨林。)
She exits into the tropical storm.(她走出去,进入热带风暴。)
I'm going to go somewhere tropical for a week or two.(我要到热带地区待上一两个礼拜。)
It has a warm and humid tropical climate on its Indian Ocean coastline.(它在印度洋海岸线上拥有温暖潮湿的热带气候。)
Tropical colours may look rather harsh in our dull northern light.(热带丛林的色彩在我们暗淡的北极光下也许会显得很刺眼。)
tropical是什么意思 tropical在线翻译 tropical什么意思 tropical的意思 tropical的翻译 tropical的解释 tropical的发音 tropical的同义词