英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:48:51



英 [ˈtju:lɪp]

美 [ˈtu:lɪp]



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  • 【植】郁金香
  • 郁金香花
  • 郁金香球茎
  • 郁金香球根
  • [C]郁金香 a bulb-rooted plant with bright bell-shaped flowers


1. any of numerous perennial bulbous herbs having linear or broadly lanceolate leaves and usually a single showy flower

1. 郁金香
Tulips are brightly coloured flowers that grow in the spring, and have oval or pointed petals packed closely together.

1. 荷兰:盖亚那 water lily | 荷兰 tulip | 匈牙利 tulip

2. 匈牙利:荷兰 tulip | 匈牙利 tulip | 印度 lotus

3. 黄:cracker 杏色 | tulip 黄 | thirsty 浅蓝色

4. tulip:tcp and udp over light weight ip; 因特网少量目录访问协议上的传输控制协议和用户数据电报协议

  • 常用例句

  • In a vase on the table stood a tulip.
It was planted with tulip-cups and moonflowers, and silver-studded aloes.(里头栽了郁金香、月光花以及带银点的芦荟。)
He rooted the tulip bulbs in potting soil.(他把郁金香的鳞茎种在盆栽用土中使其生根。)
We called that craze "tulip mania".(我们称这种狂热为“郁金香狂热”。)
The tulip which with gaudy colours stained.(郁金香,带着绚丽的斑斓色彩。)
However, some years ago the Tulip went.(然而,一些年前的郁金香到。)
The October after Grandpa's death, I planted tulip and daffodil bulbs, snowdrops, crocuses, and bluebells.(在爷爷去世后的十月,我种了一些郁金香、水仙、雪花莲、番红花及蓝铃花。)
One particular tulip bulb was sold and exchanged for a small ship.(卖了一个特别的郁金香球茎,换来了一艘小船。)
I'll tell him--it was for bringing the cook tulip-roots instead of onions.(我要告诉他——这是因为你没给厨师拿洋葱,而拿了郁金香的根。)
Although, for the most part, what they really were were tulip bulb traders.(虽然,他们的大部分,他们真的是郁金香球茎贸易商。)
At last she believed that the tulip bed was under the protection of the fairies.(她终于相信,郁金香花圃是受了仙女的保护。)
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