英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:49:14



英 [ˈtʌndrə]

美 [ˈtʌndrə]


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1. a vast treeless plain in the Arctic regions where the subsoil is permanently frozen

1. 冻原;苔原
Tundra is one of the large flat areas of land in the north of Europe, Asia, and America. The ground below the top layer of soil is always frozen and no trees grow there.


1. tundra

1. 冻原:(7)冻原(tundra) 是寒带的典型植被,在高山树线以上则存在着高山冻原. 冻原植物种类贫乏,以苔藓和地衣占优势,并散生有一些灌木或小灌木. 冻原在欧洲大陆和北美均有分布,中国没有极地冻原而有高山冻原.


2. 冻土:这对於地处极圈附近,地形大都是冻土(Tundra)的城市很有帮助. 通常为了资源才会在极圈附近建设的城市,因为四周没有很多可以产出食物的地形,所以人口成长常会受到限制,透过生物学的帮忙,多少可以增加一点人口的成长率吧.

3. 苔原冻原:凝灰岩 tuff | 苔原 ; 冻原 tundra | 苔原气候 ; 冻原气候 tundra climate

Warming is also reinforced when shrubs move northward and replace lower tundra plants.(气候变暖的另一铁证是灌木北移取代了苔原植物。)
"I've lived all of my life in the tundra," he said.(“我一辈子都生活在冻土带上。”他说。)
Changed the class attribute value of the tag to tundra.(将标签的类属性值更改为tundra。)
That's what's responsible for the growth of shrubs in the summer and their spread to new areas of the tundra.(这就是夏天灌木丛生长并蔓延到苔原新地区的原因。)
The transition from forest to treeless tundra on a mountain slope is often a dramatic one.(从森林到山坡上没有树木的苔原的过渡通常会十分突然和明显。)
I mean maybe the shrubs will be abundant for a few years, and then it'll change back to tundra.(我的意思是,也许在未来几年里,这里的灌木会很充足,然后它就会变回苔原。)
They just chomp on tundra, nap a few hours and feast again.(它们只是在苔原上咀嚼食物,然后睡几个小时,睡醒了再吃。)
Because of this loop, which is promoted by warmer temperatures in winter and spring, well, it looks like the tundra may be turning into shrub land.(由于冬春两季气温的上升加剧了这样的循环,因此,苔原可能正在向灌木林地转变。)
Skaltje spends much of the winter on the tundra with his herd.(斯格尔特亚在冻原地带和鹿群一起度过冬天的大部分时间。)
Shrubs are increasing in the "tundra".(“苔原”上的灌木越来越多。)
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