英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 23:39:52

turn off

英 [tə:n ɔf]

美 [tɚn ɔf]

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1. cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch

e.g. Turn off the stereo, please
cut the engine
turn out the lights

Synonym: switch offcutturn out

2. cause to feel intense dislike or distaste

Synonym: put off

3. make a turn

e.g. turn off at the parking area

1. 驶离,离开(…路);转弯;拐入旁路
If you turn off the road or path you are going along, you start going along a different road or path which leads away from it.

e.g. The truck turned off the main road along the gravelly track which led to the farm...
e.g. He turned off only to find he was trapped in a town square with no easy exit.

2. 关上;关掉;截断,切断(…的供应)
When you turn off a piece of equipment or a supply of something, you stop heat, sound, or water being produced by adjusting the controls.

e.g. The light's a bit too harsh. You can turn it off...
e.g. I have to get up and turn off the radio...

3. 使丧失兴趣
If something turns you off a particular subject or activity, it makes you have no interest in it.

e.g. What turns teenagers off science and technology?...
e.g. Teaching off a blackboard is boring, and undoubtedly turns people off.

4. 使没有性欲;使失去性欲
If something or someone turns you off, you do not find them sexually attractive or they stop you feeling sexually excited.

e.g. Aggressive men turn me off completely.

1. 关掉:把执行一次就用不到的触发删除(关掉(Turn Off)可让它不再执行,但是仍会占用空间,不如删除一劳永逸). 不要看前面说得那麼可怕,那些高频率的执行对电脑而言只是小事一桩,倒是魔兽各方面的运算,3D贴图的计算等等反而更耗用资源.

2. 关闭:一般的显示器件都能符合该标准,通常有四级电源管理模式:正常(Normal)、待机(Standby)、挂起(Suspend)和关闭(Turn off),具体情况见表2. 它主要是根据计算机主机的工作状况,设置主机显卡输出行场同步信号的有无,


3. 关上:其计算(evaluation)后结果为一逻辑值上式利用&& (and) 将两个 Pattern 求值的结果合并成一个逻辑值.当AWK读入的资料列使得 Pattern1 成立时, AWK 会打开(turn on)当AWK读入的资料列使得 Pattern2 成立时, AWK 会关上(turn off)当这个 switch 被打开(turn on)时 (包括 Pattern1,

4. turn-off:to; 断开

  • 情景对话

Turning in-(上床睡觉)

A:I guess I'll turn in, Bob. It's been a long day.

B:I've got a chapter to read for tomorrow, so I'll be up for a while yet.I'll turn off thd heat and lock thd door before I go to bed.
我还有一章要读完,这是明天的功课,所以我要等一会儿再睡。 在我上床以前我会关掉暖气和锁上门的。

turn off的解释

A:Okay. What time are you getting up tomorrow?

B:Oh, the usual time. No, wait a minute.Make sure I'm up before you go to work, will you? I've got a quiz at ten. It wouldn't hurt to read over my notes.

A:I'll try, but when seven o'clock comes around, don't forget you asked me to wake you.

B:Good night, Joe.

Some scientists have a hunch that a pregnant woman's diet and her exposure to various chemicals turn on some fetal genes and turn off others.(有些科学家有预感,认为孕妇的饮食和她接触的各种化学物质会开启一些胎儿基因,而关闭其他基因。)
Did you turn off the lights and check the locks on all the doors?(你关了灯,检查了所有门的锁了吗?)
How come people have to turn off their cell phones and all our electronic devices when an airplane is about to take off?(当飞机要起飞时,人们为什么要关掉他们的手机和所有的电子设备呢?)
Turn off IM and chat.(关掉即时通讯和聊天。)
The late musician Dennis Brian is said to have asked a fellow train passenger to turn off his radio.(据说,已故音乐家丹尼斯·布莱恩曾要求火车上的一名乘客关掉收音机。)
Would you turn off the TV, please?(请把电视关掉,好吗?)
She often forgot to turn off the gas and the food she was cooking usually got burnt.(她经常忘记关煤气,她做的饭经常烧糊了。)
Turn off the shower.(关掉淋浴。)
"Turn off the TV now!" she shouted.(“现在把电视关掉!”她喊道。)
We should never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms.(离开教室时,我们永远不要忘记关灯。)
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