英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 19:17:49
  • 双语例句

1. Patients and Methods: Two hundred twenty-nine chemotherapy-naive patients with advanced-stage NSCLC were enrolled onto a phase II selection trial evaluating sequential or concurrent chemotherapy with cetuximab.

2. According to legend, Guangxu Twenty-nine years (1903), Empress Dowager Cixi to rely on Guangxu Emperor pay homage Xiling via Baoding.

3. twenty-nine

3. Theophilus at last appeared at Constantinople in June, 403, not alone, as he had been commanded, but with twenty-nine of his suffragan bishops, and, as Palladius tells us, with a good deal of money and all sorts of gifts.
西奥菲勒斯终于出现在君士坦丁堡,在6月,403 ,而不是单,因为他已被指挥的,但与2009年他的suffragan主教,而且,正如palladius告诉我们,是一个很好的协议的金钱和所有各式各样的礼物。


4. Results Twenty-nine cases were followed-up for a mean of 16 months(from 10 to 48 months).

5. It is twenty-nine past ten now.
现在是10:29 分

6. On the very first day of the truce, they broke it no fewer than twenty-nine times.

7. twenty-nine什么意思

7. TED: It's…uh, it's almost twenty-nine thousand.
特德:是……呃,是……呃,差不多是 2 万 9 千。

8. It has twenty-eight or twenty-nine days.

9. It measures fifteen by twenty-nine feet.

10. It's at twenty-nine Heping Street.

11. twenty-nine什么意思

11. A staggering two-thousand-five-hundred gallons of water is needed for the production of each pound of beef, but, in contrast, it takes only twenty-nine gallons to produce a pound of tomatoes and a hundred-and-thirty-nine gallons for a pound of whole wheat bread.

12. The paper carries out finite element analysis of high lift platform truck with twenty-nine meter arm.

13. twenty-nine的近义词

13. Hezekiah was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem twenty-nine years.
历代志下 CH。291 希西家登基的时候年二十五岁,在耶路撒冷作王二十九年。

14. Results Twenty-nine cases were followed-up for a mean of 16 months(from 10 to 48 months).Bone fracture healed in 28 cases, bone fracture didn't heal in one case.

15. One/twenty-nine chromosome robertsonian translocation was found in 4 Russion Simmental bulls, three of them were heterozygotes, one of them was homozygote.


16. METHODS: Twenty-nine advanced primary HCC were treated with TACE only, 36 with TACE and AD pro injection. T Cells, NK cells, clinical effect, and toxicity of bone narrow were studied and compared between the two groups.
采用TACE+艾迪治疗HCC 36例,与常规TACE治疗29例HCC各2个周期,进行了近期疗效、细胞免疫功能、生活质量、及毒性反应的随机对照研究。

17. A highly effective screening model was built, in which enrichment was conducted by adding a definite amount of cyanide into the innutrient medium. Forty-nine kinds of cyanide-resistant strains were isolated from twenty samples of soil, among which twenty-nine kinds of strains showed the cyanide-degradation ability and the bacterial strain numbered DC02 was the best.

18. twenty-nine的意思

18. A scientific dictionary, published in Japan in 1983, recorded that twenty-nine of the world`s scientific achievements in the early 15th century were made in Korea, five in China, none in Japan, and twenty-six in the rest of the world.

19. 0F twenty-nine ESTs, eight ESTs have high similarity rate with known gene in chicken—beta-trepomyosin gene, cardiac myosin alkali light chain gene, insertionally activated c-Ha-ras oncogene, fra-2 oncogene, 16S rRNA gene and mitochondrion genome sequence, respectively, with similarity rate 97%, 100%, 98%, 98%, 98%, 99%, 99% and 97%. Five ESTs have high similarity rate with human TTN gene, human phosphoglucomutase 5 gene, human or mouse signal recongnition particle 54 kD gene, human or mouse ribonuclease/angiogenin inhibitor gene, respectively, with similarity rate 82%, 82%, 87%, 99% and 99%. Their homologous genes in chicken are still not cloned. Thirteen ESTs are novel gene fragments. Of thirteen ESTs, nine ESTs have high similarity with ESTs in database. Four ESTs have not high similarity with any EST in database.
序列分析结果表明,有8个ESTs分别与鸡已知基因骨骼肌-β原肌球蛋白基因(A17)、贲门肌球蛋白碱轻链基因(B57)、插入激活ras致癌基因(A36)、fra-2致癌基因(B36)、16S rRNA基因(A35)及线粒体基因组序列(D36、C39和D9)同源,序列相似性分别为97%、100%、98%、98%、98%、99%、99%和97%。5个ESTs分别与其他生物已知基因同源,它们是人TTN基因转录本变异novex-2(B53)、人磷酸葡糖变位酶5基因(B109)、人信号识别物54 kD基因(B20)、人与鼠核糖核酸酶/血管形成抑制因子基因(C26、D31),差异片段与它们的序列相似性分别为82%、82%、87%、99%和99%,这些基因在鸡中还没被克隆。13个ESTs属于新基因片段,其中9个与数据库中ESTs序列相似性较高,4个属于全新基因片段,在数据库中没有与它们序列相似性较高的ESTs。

20. Of twenty-nine ESTs, eight ESTs have high similarity rate with known gene in chicken-beta-trepomyosin gene, cardiac myosin alkali light chain gene, insertionally activated c-Ha-ras oncogene, fra-2 oncogene, 16S rRNA gene and mitochondrion genome sequence, respectively, with similarity rate 97%, 100%, 98%, 98%, 98%, 99%, 99% and 97%.Five ESTs have high similarity rate with human TTN gene, human phosphoglucomutase 5 gene, human or mouse signal recongnition particle 54 kD gene, human or mouse ribonuclease/angiogenin inhibitor gene, respectively, with similarity rate 82%, 82%, 87%, 99% and 99%.Their homologous genes in chicken are still not cloned. Thirteen ESTs are novel gene fragments. Of thirteen ESTs, nine ESTs have high similarity with ESTs in database. Four ESTs have not high similarity with any EST in database.
序列分析结果表明,有8个ESTs分别与鸡已知基因骨骼肌-β原肌球蛋白基因(A17)、贲门肌球蛋白碱轻链基因(B57)、插入激活ras致癌基因(A36)、fra-2致癌基因(B36)、16S rRNA基因(A35)及线粒体基因组序列(D36、C39和D9)同源,序列相似性分别为97%、100%、98%、98%、98%、99%、99%和97%。5个ESTs分别与其他生物已知基因同源,它们是人TTN基因转录本变异novex-2(B53)、人磷酸葡糖变位酶5基因(B109)、人信号识别物54 kD基因(B20)、人与鼠核糖核酸酶/血管形成抑制因子基因(C26、D31),差异片段与它们的序列相似性分别为82%、82%、87%、99%和99%,这些基因在鸡中还没被克隆。13个ESTs属于新基因片段,其中9个与数据库中ESTs序列相似性较高,4个属于全新基因片段,在数据库中没有与它们序列相似性较高的ESTs。

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Twenty-nine Ogden Place.(奥登广场二十九号。)
How many nurses in the hall? About twenty-nine.(礼堂里有多少护士?大约有二十九位。)
A person with a BMI of twenty-five to twenty-nine is considered overweight.(体重指数为25到29的人视为超重。)
Twenty-nine percent of potential hotel guests globally use this more than any other research tool, topped by the French at 55%.(全球的潜在酒店客人中有29%使用酒店网站的频率高于其他任何搜索工具,在法国这个比例最高,为55%。)
Further along, outside the charity shop, Mrs Barret from number twenty-nine nods an inquisitive greeting.(在慈善商店外面,29号街的拜瑞特夫人好奇地向他点头打招呼。)
I wonder what he would have said when I gave him twenty-nine thousand eight hundred francs for his picture.(我不知道当我付他29800法郎买下他的画时他会说些什么呢。)
He spent twenty-six yuan on the bus. Breakfast, thirty yuan. Chinese food, I did not eat. Dinner, twenty-nine yuan.(他坐公车花了二十六元。早餐,三十元。中餐,我没吃。晚餐,二十九元。)
There was a price war going on at the time, and we at Interstate 95 Gas were selling regular at twenty-nine cents a gallon.(那时正展开一个价格战,我们在95号洲际公路的加油站正常销售二十九美分一加仑。)
Twenty-nine active craters cover the peninsula's shore, which is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean and the Bering and Okhotsk Seas.(29个活跃的火山口覆盖了半岛的海岸,那里为太平洋、白令海峡和鄂霍次克海所包围。)
The nuclear Energy Institute says twenty-nine percent of Japan's electricity came from nuclear sources in two thousand nine.(核能研究所称,2009年日本29%的电力来自核能。)
twenty-nine是什么意思 twenty-nine在线翻译 twenty-nine什么意思 twenty-nine的意思 twenty-nine的翻译 twenty-nine的解释 twenty-nine的发音 twenty-nine的同义词