英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:56:05



英 [ˈʌndədɒg]

美 [ˈʌndərdɔ:g]



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1. one at a disadvantage and expected to lose

1. (竞争、竞赛等中的)劣势方,弱者
The underdog in a competition or situation is the person who seems least likely to succeed or win.

e.g. Most of the crowd were cheering for the underdog to win just this one time.
e.g. ...Webb, the underdog in this race.

1. 超人狗:.<> (Underdog)迪士尼出品的超狗拯救世界的儿童家庭片3.<> (Bratz)根据全球风靡的女生玩具Bratz流行时装娃娃改编的电影4.<> (Hot Rod)又一部恶搞喜剧......不过这是与飙摩托车有关的但是第一把交椅仍然没有什么悬念amp;

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Microsoft, increasingly the underdog in a range of markets, had a glimpse of good news over the weekend.(近来在多处市场越来越处于被动的微软在本周末终于看到了一丝好消息。)
I like rooting for the underdog.(我喜欢支持弱者。)
Roddick was a 9-1 underdog in some quarters, a reflection of his 2-18 record, and 0-6 in Grand Slams, against Federer.(在最近对阵费德勒时,罗迪克是个1胜9负的失败者,算起整个职业生涯,拿就是2胜18负,其中大满贯赛事0胜6负。)
Meanwhile, Barack Obama said that he would be the “underdog” in next year’s presidential election, “given the economy”.(与此同时,奥巴马表示,“考虑到经济萧条的境况”,明年大选他可能会“处于劣势”。)
She always identifies with the underdog.(她总是同情受害者。)
All these reasons make 6 a bit of an underdog.(这些原因都使得6有点不招人待见。)
The underdog team scored two surprise goals.(处于劣势的一队出人意料地进两球。)
Most of the crowd were cheering for the underdog to win just this one time.(人群中大多数人在为那位处于劣势者赢得一次比赛而加油鼓劲。)
Would anybody really call him, or Starbucks, the underdog?(有人真的会觉得他或者星巴克是“失败者”吗?)
"I identify with the underdog," he said.(“我比较认同失败者,”他说。)
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