英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:57:38



英 [ʌnˈɜ:θ]

美 [ʌnˈɜ:rθ]


过去式: unearthed 过去分词: unearthed 现在分词: unearthing 第三人称单数: unearths

  • 英英释义

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1. recover through digging

e.g. Schliemann excavated Troy
excavate gold

Synonym: excavate

2. bring to light

e.g. The CIA unearthed a plot to kill the President

1. 发现;揭露
If someone unearths facts or evidence about something bad, they discover them with difficulty, usually because they were being kept secret or were being lied about.

e.g. Researchers have unearthed documents indicating her responsibility for the forced adoption of children...
e.g. The frauds have been unearthed by investigators working for the Camden and Islington Health Authority.

2. 发掘,挖掘(埋藏物)
If someone unearths something that is buried, they find it by digging in the ground.

e.g. Fossil hunters have unearthed the bones of an elephant believed to be 500,000 years old.
e.g. ...saying that the treasure had been unearthed on his property...

3. 找到,发现(隐藏或丢失之物)
If you say that someone has unearthed something, you mean that they have found it after it had been hidden or lost for some time.

e.g. From somewhere, he had unearthed a black silk suit...
e.g. Today I unearthed a copy of '90 Minutes' and had a chuckle at your article.

1. unearth

1. 发掘:unearned 不劳而获的 | unearth 发掘 | unearthliness 神秘

2. 从地下掘出:untomb 掘墓 | unearth 从地下掘出 | unhouse 赶出家去

3. 出土:site, venue, locale, seat 场所 | unearth 出土 | Taoist temple 道观

  • 经典引文

  • Excavations have unearthed the remains of a gateway.

The police had to deploy two excavators to the site, and it took them 20 hours to unearth the evidence, the report said.(报道说,警方动用了两台挖掘机,花了20多个小时,才把这些袋子挖出来。)
Download and unearth the journey of a lifetime!(下载并挖掘的征途上一辈子!)
Archaeologists unearth Roman skeletons thought to be gladiators at a site in York in this undated handout photo.(考古学家发掘罗马骨架认为是在约克角斗士在此日期的讲义照片网站。)
I had to unearth the problem and I was looking for a way to explain it.(我必须要挖掘出问题所在,而且我试图找到解释。)
She was also able to unearth a flimsy manual on how to operate the device.(她还找出了如何运行这个装置的一本薄薄的手册。)
You will unearth a whole new history.(你们将会挖掘出一个完整的新历史。)
Explore your life and unearth all of the things that bring you joy.(去探究你的生活,把一切给你带来快乐的事物都发掘出来。)
What they unearth, if they gopublic with it, can bolster investors' claims or even lead to new ones.(他们所发掘的内容,如果公之于众,相当于增强了投资者的主张,甚至可能引出新的主张。)
But they did unearth a second lower jaw that they say is identical in size and shape to LB1 's.(不过,他们找到的第二个下颚,据说形态与大小都与LB1一样。)
Typical Assignment: Unearth the function of an Iron Age fortress in Jordan.(典型的任务:显现出约旦一个铁器时代堡垒的作用。)
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