英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:58:05


英 [ˌʌnɪkˈsplɔ:d]

美 [ˌʌnɪkˈsplɔ:rd]


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1. not yet discovered

e.g. undiscovered islands

Synonym: undiscovered

1. unexplored的反义词

1. 未勘探的:unexploredregion未勘探地区 | unexplored未勘探的 | UNFthread统一标准细牙螺纹

2. 未开发的,未探索的:undoubted 不容置疑的,确实的 | unexplored未开发的,未探索的 | unfertilized未施肥的,未受精的


3. 未被探索的:dictatorship -- 专政 | unexplored -- 未被探索的 | Jet Propulsion Laboratory -- 喷气推进实验室


4. 未经勘察的:unexploited 未开发的 | unexplored 未经勘察的 | unexploredarea 未勘查地区

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

he is about to be launched into his own inner space, space as immense, unexplored, and sometimes frightening as outer space to the astronaut.(他就要被弹射进自己的内空间,这个内空间就像宇航员所面临的外空间一样,宽阔无垠、人迹未至、有时甚至让人害怕。)
Archaeologist Bill Kelso and his team discovered the church in a previously unexplored area of the fort in Jamestown.(考古学家比尔·凯尔索和他的团队在詹姆斯敦之前未开发的的堡垒区域发现了这座教堂。)
There appear to be many unexplored matters about the motivation to reflect—for example, the value of externally motivated reflection as opposed to that of teachers who might reflect by habit.(反思的动机方面似乎有许多问题尚未被探索——例如,与教师可能进行的习惯性反思相对的,受外部激励的反思的价值。)
Nevertheless, most of the Arctic, especially offshore, is essentially unexplored with respect to petroleum.(但是北极地区,尤其是海上区域,基本未有石油勘探。)
Iraq is still relatively unexplored, offering big companies a potentially easy-to-tap source of growth.(伊拉克的勘探程度较低,为大公司提供了相对容易利用的增长来源。)
The exploration side of his job involves searching unexplored areas for new species.(他的工作职责包括探索新物种和未知世界。)
The author seeks to break the methods he created yesterday and move on towards unexplored territory.(作者在写作方法上力求不断突破,去探索未知的领地。)
Sleep is something that has really been an unexplored topic cross-culturally.(在各种文化中,睡眠是一个未被探索的话题。)
During 2011, the LHC will become sensitive enough to probe hitherto unexplored domains in particle physics.(2011年间,大型粒子对撞机要足够敏感,它将探测到目前为止粒子物理学还未探索的领域。)
The discovery is a reminder that much of planet Earth is still unexplored, and most of its citizens are unknown.(这一发现提醒了我们,地球上还有大部分领域还有待探索,而且生活在地球上的大多数生物对我们来说还是未知。)
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