英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:01:02
  • 英英释义

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1. not giving or reciprocating affection

1. 缺乏爱心的:selfish自私的 | unloving缺乏爱心的 | forbid禁止

Interestingly, the 70th anniversary of World War II has reopened old wounds and ignited an ugly battle of words between Russia and its unloving neighbors, Ukraine, Poland, and the Baltic states.(可有趣的是,第二次世界大战胜利70周年的纪念日,却重新揭开了俄罗斯与他的邻居们---乌克兰,波兰以及波罗的海诸国之间的旧伤疤,并恶语相加。)
My mother, on the other hand, seemed more and more unloving to me.(另一方面,我的母亲对我的爱却好像越来越少。)
It is important to refrain from sending unloving thoughts to people, no matter how they treat you.(不管人们如何对待你,千万避免送给人们不是爱的想法。)
You know you're in Resentment when you're starting to feel angry, frustrated, a little more unloving, a little more distant from your partner.(当你开始感到愤怒、焦虑和有些心冷以及开始感到跟你的伙伴有些隔阂的时候,你就知道你处在愤怒阶段了。)
Choosing someone who might be a poor provider or an unloving father would have serious consequences for a woman and for her offspring.(选择那些贫穷的养家者或者缺乏爱心的父亲将会给一个女人和她的后代带来严重的影响。)
If a sudden jar can cause me to speak an impatient, unloving word, then I know nothing of Calvary love.(若一个突如其来的刺激会使我讲出一个不耐烦的、叫人难堪的字眼,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。)
We become unloving, bitter people.(我们心中不再有爱,我们变成了非常痛苦的人。)
If we find no models of love, then we grow up love-starved and unloving.(如果我们找不到爱的榜样,那么我们长大之后便缺乏爱、没有爱心。)
The overworked, overextended parent may be seen as unloving, but may simply be exhausted.(那些工作超时超负荷的家长可能看起来没有爱心,但也可能仅仅是太累了。)
Mr Saad said: 'Choosing someone who might be a poor provider or an unloving father would have serious consequences for a woman and for her offspring.'(萨阿德教授说:“选择一个穷困潦倒的人来养家糊口或者一个缺乏爱心的父亲,势必会对这个女人和她的孩子的生活造成严重的影响。”)
unloving是什么意思 unloving在线翻译 unloving什么意思 unloving的意思 unloving的翻译 unloving的解释 unloving的发音 unloving的同义词