英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 19:28:32


英 [ʌnˈpʌnɪʃt]



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  • 网络解释

  • 未受处罚的
  • 未受惩罚的
  • 得免刑罚的
  • 逍遥法外的
  • 不受处罚的
  • 免去刑法的
  • 未受处分的
  • 未被惩罚的


1. not punished

e.g. would he forget the crime and let it go unpunished?

1. 未受惩罚的
If a criminal or crime goes unpunished, the criminal is not punished.

e.g. Persistent criminals who have gone unpunished by the courts have been dealt with by local people...
e.g. I have been amazed at times that cruelty can go unpunished.

1. 未受惩罚的:unprovoked 无谓的 | unpunished 未受惩罚的 | unpuzzle 解释

2. 免受惩罚的:behavior(美)行为,举止 | unpunished免受惩罚的 | fault过错,错误

3. 免去刑法的:unpulverized 未磨成粉状的 | unpunished 免去刑法的 | unpunished 不被处罚的

4. 未受处罚的:unpunchedpapertape 未打孔纸带 | unpunished 未受处罚的 | unpureseed 不纯种子

  • 近义词

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  • 临近词

If his cheating goes unpunished, more students will follow suit.(如果他的欺诈行为没有受到惩罚的话,更多的学生会跟着学。)
It would be corrupting military discipline to leave him unpunished.(不惩治他会败坏军纪。)
Should a murderer go unpunished?(应该让杀人犯不受惩罚吗?。)
An ailing justice system, particularly in rural areas, means that murder often goes unpunished.(一个病态的司法体系,尤其是在乡村信仰强烈的地区,意味着谋杀经常不被审判。)
That's why there's an old expression about helping people. No good deed goes unpunished.(因此,有一句助人的古话说得好,一切善举,都要招致惩罚。)
The Lord detests all the proud of heart. Be sure of this: They will not go unpunished.(凡心里骄傲的,为耶和华所憎恶,虽然连手,他必不免受罚。)
We will not allow the unpunished loss of our compatriots.(我们不会允许我们的同胞逍遥法外的损失。)
The thieves must not go unpunished.(决不能让这些盗贼逍遥法外。)
But today it almost guarantees that exceptional performance goes unrewarded and mediocre work goes unpunished.(但今天它多数情况下能保证的只是出色业绩毫无嘉奖而碌碌无为不受惩罚。)
But rhino protection workers say poachers often go unpunished after arrest.(但是犀牛保护工作人员表示,偷猎者在被捕后经常逍遥法外。)
unpunished是什么意思 unpunished在线翻译 unpunished什么意思 unpunished的意思 unpunished的翻译 unpunished的解释 unpunished的发音 unpunished的同义词