Markal is now facing the final step in his plan: he must obtain the Ring of the Unrepentant.(现在摆在马卡尔面前的是其计划的最后一步:夺取无悔指环。)
He was unrepentant.(他却并不后悔。)
Cyrus has fled, taking the Ring of the Unrepentant with him.(塞勒斯带着无悔指环逃走了。)
A royal pardon for the unrepentant Mr Thaksin is a non-starter.(皇室更是不会对毫无悔过之意的他信予以赦免。)
Some people take joy in Microsoft's struggles, as the popular view in recent years paints the company as an unrepentant intentional monopolist.(微软陷入了困境。有些人感到幸灾乐祸,近几年的流行观点也将它描绘成死不悔改的蓄意垄断者。)
They seemed to be flirting with the boundaries a bit, like they knew there's a line they can't cross but still have some unrepentant glee in dancing back and forth across it.(他们在边界上少许地打情骂俏,似乎他们知道他们之间有一条不可逾越的界限,但同时又无悔地热衷于在界限上跳来跳去的快乐。)
Today, he is still teaching thousands of children daily in mass events at schools and stadiums. Many know he is a largely unrepentant wife-beater.(现在,因为他仍在各种学校场合教书演讲,许多人都知道了他其实是个冥顽不化的虐待妻子的人。)
I remain an unrepentant rationalist.(我仍是一位执迷不悟的理性主义者。)
"The idea that someone else's memories might make an unrepentant killer feel something real for the first time ends up being a rather poignant concept," Walsh wrote.(沃尔什写道:“别人的记忆可能会让一个毫无悔意的杀人犯第一次体验到真实的世界,这最终会是一个切中要害的概念。”)
I found him arrogant and unrepentant at the trial.(我发现他在法庭审判现场表现得非常嚣张,不思悔改。)
unrepentant是什么意思 unrepentant在线翻译 unrepentant什么意思 unrepentant的意思 unrepentant的翻译 unrepentant的解释 unrepentant的发音 unrepentant的同义词