英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:03:29



英 [ˌʌnˈʃʊə(r)]

美 [ˌʌnˈʃʊr]


  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 缺乏信心的
  • 不稳定的
  • 不可靠的
  • 无把握的
  • 不确定的
  • 犹豫
  • 不肯定的
  • 没有自信的
  • 不确知的
  • 不安全的
  • 惶惑的


1. lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance

e.g. uncertain of his convictions
unsure of himself and his future
moving with uncertain (or unsure) steps
an uncertain smile
touched the ornaments with uncertain fingers

Synonym: uncertainincertain

2. lacking self-confidence

e.g. stood in the doorway diffident and abashed
problems that call for bold not timid responses
a very unsure young man

Synonym: diffidentshytimid

1. 心虚的;缺乏信心的
If you are unsure of yourself, you lack confidence.

e.g. He made her feel hot, and awkward, and unsure of herself...
e.g. The evening show was terrible, with hesitant unsure performances from all.

2. 不确定的;不清楚的;拿不准的
If you are unsure about something, you feel uncertain about it.

e.g. Fifty-two per cent were unsure about the idea...
e.g. Scientists are becoming increasingly unsure of the validity of this technique.

1. 不确定:刚开始这个神职人员好像很有把握,很权威,他说:「只有不信神的人才无法下跪」,等到她问这个问题以后,Tarkovsky的处理是,他答话变得微微地发抖般地不确定(unsure),反过来说:「其实妳问的这个问题我也很感兴趣」,不像原来那样那麼权威(authority),

2. 缺乏信心的:unsullied 未受污染的 | unsure 缺乏信心的 | unsymmetrical 不对称的

3. unsure的反义词

3. 不肯定的:unsuppressed 未镇压的 | unsure 不肯定的 | unsureness 不确定

4. unsure的解释

4. 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑:我听的音乐opera highlights on cd's like il trovatore,the barber of seville,opera recitals | 现在最喜欢的音乐专辑unsure | 最喜欢的作家unsure

  • 经典引文

  • Utterly unsafe to touch, and unsure to stand on.

  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Jack is left alone unsure what to do next.(杰克被一个人留在那里,不知下一步该如何是好。)
The assorted opposition is unsure how to respond.(混杂的反对派不知如何应对。)
I was unsure how to reply to this question.(我拿不准该如何回答这个问题。)
Fifty-two percent were unsure about the idea.(52%的人对这个想法都没有把握。)
If you're unsure, just use the 32-bit version.(如果您不确定,就使用32位版本。)
Unsure of the meaning of this remark, Ryle chose to remain silent.(由于对这个评论的含义不确定,赖尔选择了保持沉默。)
"The rest were" so-so "or" unsure.(“其余的选择”一般“或者”不确定。)
If you are unsure, do you trade anyway?(如果你感到不确定,你会随便进行交易吗?)
They're unsure whether the deep-sea warming canceled out warming at the sea's surface.(他们不确定深海变暖是否抵消了海洋表面的变暖。)
I am still unsure of what love is.(我还不能确定究竟什么是爱。)
unsure是什么意思 unsure在线翻译 unsure什么意思 unsure的意思 unsure的翻译 unsure的解释 unsure的发音 unsure的同义词