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更新时间:2025-03-10 22:04:21



英 [ʌnˈwɪtɪŋ]

美 [ʌnˈwɪtɪŋ]


副词: unwittingly

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1. not aware or knowing

e.g. an unwitting subject in an experiment

2. unaware because of a lack of relevant information or knowledge

e.g. he was completely ignorant of the circumstances
an unknowledgeable assistant
his rudeness was unwitting

Synonym: ignorantunknowledgeableunknowing

3. not done with purpose or intent

e.g. an unintended slight
an unintentional pun
the offense was unintentional
an unwitting mistake may be overlooked

Synonym: unintentionalunplanned

1. 不知情的;不知不觉的;无意的
If you describe a person or their actions as unwitting, you mean that the person does something or is involved in something without realizing it.

e.g. We're unwitting victims of the system...
e.g. It had been an unwitting blunder on Blair's part.

He was unwittingly caught up in the confrontation.

1. 不知情的:unwitnessed 未注意到的 | unwitting 不知情的 | unwittingly 不知情地

2. 不知情的/无意识的/不知不觉的:unwitnessed /无证人签署的/ | unwitting /不知情的/无意识的/不知不觉的/ | unwittingly /不知不觉/不知情地/无意识地/


3. 无心的,不经意的:unwitting 无心的,不经意的 | intriguing 引起好奇心的;有迷惑力的 | craving 渴望(与for连用)

4. 不知不觉的 witting知晓的故意的:upfront坦率的 | unwitting 不知不觉的 witting知晓的故意的?? | applicable 可行的,合适的

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He falls in unwitting circumstance, the content that provides according to game has game.(他在不知情的情况下,根据游戏提供的内容进行游戏。)
The prime minister was an unwitting tool of the president.(首相不知不觉被总统利用了。)
Other rumours suggested that the wily Mr Saleh sneaked aboard an aircraft under the noses of his unwitting Saudi hosts.(有谣言说老谋深算的萨利赫背着沙特主人从其眼皮底下偷偷溜上飞机。)
It's good to be in charge, conducting social experiments on the unwitting people.(这是好是主管,进行有关不知情的人的社会实验。)
He became an unwitting accomplice in the crime.(他糊里糊涂地成了犯罪的帮凶。)
Is he the srchitect of the evil that has befallen the town, or simply an unwitting pawn?(他就是策划让邪恶降临这个小镇的真凶吗?抑或着他只是一粒不知情的棋子?)
As Georgia provides 90% of Armenia's Internet, the woman's unwitting sabotage had catastrophic consequences.(由于格鲁吉亚提供的互联网占亚美尼亚的90%,这名妇女的无意之过引起的后果惨重。)
In contrast, a bailout forces unwitting taxpayers to foot the bill for Greece's SINS.(相反的是,资金援助会迫使毫不知情的纳税人为希腊的罪责负担债务。)
We've managed to package subprime loans that we thought -some people thought — were terrible and sell them off to unwitting foreigners who didn't know.(我们将次级贷款打包,将这些烫手山芋,甩卖给我们不认识的外国冤大头。)
Nothing was said, but everyone in the audience remembered the unwitting role the McCains' adopted daughter played in the South Carolina primary in 2000.(谁也没有说,但是谁都知道在2000年南卡罗来纳州初选中麦凯恩这名养女所扮演的无心角色。)
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