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英 [ˌbaɪəʊˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ]

美 [ˌbaɪoʊˌendʒɪˈnɪrɪŋ]


名词: bioengineer

The root of bioengineering is the desire to control the organic long enough to improve it.(生物工程的源动因,就是希望充分控制有机体,以便对其进行改进。)
Conclusions SCF technology is applied in bioengineering field with great potential of progress.(结论超临界流体技术在生物工程领域的应用大有潜力。)
The team thinks that medicine and bioengineering will ultimately be the big beneficiaries.(研究团队们认为医学和生物工程界将是最大的受惠者。)
Soy protein modification technology are reviewed. It includes physical, chemical, enzymatic and bioengineering techniques.(介绍了大豆蛋白的改性技术,包括物理、化学、酶和生物工程等技术。)
As management bioengineering subject developed, human beings began to use bioengineering method to research enterprises' management behaviors.(随着管理生物工程学科的兴起,人们开始应用生物工程的方法来研究企业的经营管理行为。)
Bioengineering techniques have been in wide use in slope protections as a branch of science and technology.(植被护坡技术作为一门工程技术,已经在边坡治理中得到了广泛的应用。)
Magnetic microsphere, a new kind of functional material, was widely used in the fields of magnetic material, bioengineering etc.(磁性微球作为一种新型功能材料,在磁性材料、生物工程等领域有着广泛的应用前景。)
Authors suggest that the technology of comprehensive bioengineering should be fully applied in subgrade project.(提出了综合生物工程技术应在路基工程中广泛应用。)
Christopher Fang-Yen, assistant professor of bioengineering at the University of Pennsylvania, says optogenetics is a "kind of remote-control device for neurons."(宾夕法尼亚大学生物工程教授助理克里斯多夫方炎,说“光电子遗传基因是一种对神经系统的遥控装置。”)
Technical principle, research situation and prospect of ion beam bioengineering are discussed in the this paper.(对离子束生物工程的技术原理、研究现状和发展趋势进行了综合评述。)
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  • 生物工程学(应用多种工程学原理研究、控制生物过程、生物结构及其产物的学科,如人工器官移植)
  • 生物工程


1. the branch of engineering science in which biological science is used to study the relation between workers and their environments

Synonym: biotechnologyergonomics

1. 遗传工程;基因工程
People sometimes use bioengineering to talk about genetic engineering.

2. 生物工程
Bioengineering is the use of engineering techniques to solve medical problems, for example to design and make artificial arms and legs.


1. 生物工程学:如果是这样的话,那么在深海这篇广袤空间中可能存在一些未被发现的物种,它们能够耐受深海高压和及其寒冷的环境,或许能够被生物工程学(bioengineering)和药学(phamacy)利用.

2. 生物工程:知识点:1.酶工程的组成2.酶工程的研究内容3.酶及酶工程的研究意义学习目标和要求:1.掌握酶工程的概念和研究内容2.了解酶工程研究的意义1.酶工程是生物技术的重要组成部分 生物工程(Bioengineering)又称生物技术或生物工艺学(Biotechno

3. bioengineering是什么意思

3. 生物工程专业(本科):生物技术专业(本科)Biotechnology | 生物工程专业(本科)Bioengineering | 生物制药技术专业(专科)Biopharmaceutical Technology


4. 生物工程 高尔夫球车报价:biodiversity 生物多样性 | bioengineering 生物工程 高尔夫球车报价 | biomass 生物量

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