英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 ['ʌpsaɪd'daʊn]

美 [ ˈʌpˌsaɪdˈdaʊn]


  • 英英释义


1. being in such a position that top and bottom are reversed

e.g. a quotation mark is sometimes called an inverted comma
an upside-down cake

Synonym: inverted

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Transfer the cake upside-down to the cake board.(把蛋糕倒过来放到蛋糕板上。)
Some follow each other in solemn parades, but others swirl about, sideways and upside down.(庄严的游行队伍中有的人跟随彼此,而有些则原地打转,侧着身子,上下颠倒。)
It occurred to me that I could take that theme and turn it upside down against itself and it would work.(我突然想到,我可以利用这个主题,把它颠倒过来,它就会起作用。)
Every pill made my insides turn upside down.(每片药都使我的胃翻江倒海。)
You can demonstrate this process by simply turning faces upside-down, showing that our ability to pick out differences is suddenly reduced.(你可以通过简单地把脸倒置过来来演示这个过程,表明我们辨别差异的能力突然下降。)
The painting looks like it's upside down to me.(在我看来这幅画好像是上下颠倒了。)
His sudden death turned her world upside down.(他的遽然离世使她的生活完全乱套了。)
The upside-down map reveals a different world.(上下颠倒的地图则展示了一个不同的世界。)
The office was turned upside-down.(办公室被弄的乱七八糟。)
The police turned the whole house upside down looking for clues.(警察为查找线索把整所房子翻得乱七八糟。)
upside-down是什么意思 upside-down在线翻译 upside-down什么意思 upside-down的意思 upside-down的翻译 upside-down的解释 upside-down的发音 upside-down的同义词