英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˌvæsə'leɪʃn]

美 [ˌvæsɪˈleʃən]


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1. changing location by moving back and forth

Synonym: swingswinging

2. indecision in speech or action

Synonym: hesitationwavering

1. 摇摆:vacation 假期;腾出;休假;才能;职业 | vacillation 摇摆 | vacodur 铝铁磁合金

2. 踌躇:vacillatingly 犹豫地 | vacillation 踌躇 | vacua 空虚

3. 优柔寡断;动摇:twig#小枝 | vacillation#优柔寡断;动摇 | valor#勇气

4. vacillation在线翻译

4. 犹豫:pushover 易于征服或控制的人 | vacillation 犹豫 | impair 损害

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Your creative potential exists with a high probability of being sabotaged by fear, vacillation, and self-doubt.(你的存在很高的可能性创造潜能被恐惧、犹豫、自我怀疑所妨害。)
The reasons for the vacillation of belief during the transformation period are complicated and required to be analyzed intensively and explored theoretically.(社会转型期人们信念产生动摇的原因是复杂的,需要深入分析并从理论上给予回答。)
Unnecessary vacillation will only be a waste of time.(不必要的犹豫,只会耽误时间。)
The traditional treatment of the problem of free will refers to the actor's vacillation before the final resolution.(对于自由意志这个问题的传统说法,是指行为者在作最后决定之前的那种踌躇考虑。)
The model, which includes the effect of additional inertia forces by vacillation, describes a problem of unsteady three-dimension wavy laminar falling film absorption.(该模型充分考虑了由摇摆振动引起的附加惯性力的作用,属非稳态三维波动层流问题。)
Vacillation is the cause of his failure.(优柔寡断是他失败的原因。)
Vacillation. "the poem was written following a series of poems called the" Crazy Jane "poems, written as a kind of summary of them, a kind of resolution of the debates that go on in them."(踌躇一诗写于系列诗,疯狂的珍妮之后,作为对这一系列诗的总结,作为对其中的争论的解决方式。)
Post-modern literatures vulgarity and insignificance are not only the product of social transformation, but also the result of metaphysical status vacillation of form.(后现代场景中文学的低俗化和无意义性不仅仅是社会转型的产物,也是形式的形而上地位动摇带来的结果。)
Their melancholy shows their fighting spirit, as well as their weakness and vacillation.(二者的忧郁既具有不屈的斗争色彩,又具有软弱、动摇的人性弱点。)
It is even more important to arouse people's national integrity, oppose vacillation and treason, heighten their courage to fight the enemy and foster their confidence in victory.(更要激励民族气节,反对动摇变节,提高对敌斗争的勇气,树立必胜信念。)
vacillation是什么意思 vacillation在线翻译 vacillation什么意思 vacillation的意思 vacillation的翻译 vacillation的解释 vacillation的发音 vacillation的同义词