英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:09:12


英 [ˈvændəlaɪz]

美 [ˈvændl:ˌaɪz]


名词: vandalization 过去式: vandalized 过去分词: vandalized 现在分词: vandalizing 第三人称单数: vandalizes

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1. destroy wantonly, as through acts of vandalism

e.g. vandalize the park

Synonym: vandalise

in BRIT, also use 英国英语亦用vandalise

1. 故意破坏;肆意捣毁
If something such as a building or part of a building is vandalized by someone, it is damaged on purpose.


e.g. The walls had been horribly vandalized with spray paint...
e.g. About 1,000 rioters vandalized buildings and looted stores.

1. 摧残:vandalism 破坏艺术 | vandalize 摧残 | vandyke brown 铁棕深褐色

2. 摧残,破坏:vandalization摧残,破坏 | vandalize摧残,破坏 | vengeance报仇,报复

3. 肆意破坏:Destruction破坏 | Vandalize肆意破坏 | Vandalic破坏艺术的

4. 你知道 都是些无所事事的流氓|他们到处涂鸦 搞破坏:There's some|unsavory characters down ther... | You know, kids with nothing to do.|They tag stuff, vandalize.|你知道 都是些无所事事的流氓|他们到处涂鸦 搞破坏 | - Been some break-ins.|- Is that right?|-...

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Kids used to vandalize the toilets; now they preferred to play.(孩子们过去经常破坏厕所,现在他们更愿意去玩游戏。)
That night, mutually miffed at the encomia being delivered in memory of james-who was as unlovable an employer as he was a father-the two young men set out to vandalize a statue erected in his honor.(一天晚上,两个年轻人对詹姆斯传记中的溢美之词十分恼怒,在他们看来,詹姆斯既不是一个好父亲也不是一个好老板。)
Students who randomly scrawl, scribble, doddle, post, hang or vandalize campus environmental health, without change after education shall be given punishments above warning;(乱涂,乱写、乱画、乱张贴、乱挂放或故意破坏校园环境卫生,经教育不改者,给予警告以上处分;)
Students who vandalize campus buildings and such facilities as classroom, dormitory and communication lines on purpose shall be given punishments above serious warning.(有意破坏校园建筑物,破坏教室、宿舍及通讯线路等设施者,给予严重警告以上处分。)
The differential test to simulate the practical current during the generator and transformer fail to work, and more over to vandalize the correctness of the p...(模拟发电机、变压器实际故障时的电流情况来进行差动试验,验证保护动作的正确性至关重要。)
Do not break, dismantle, or vandalize.(不磨损,拆折,破坏这些资源。)
She probably got it from a pig so she can vandalize everything I own.(她可能杀了只猪来嫁祸给我,这样她就能强行占有我的一切了。)
We are taught that it is actually a crime to vandalize buildings, cars, and other inanimate objects.(我们被教导破坏建筑,汽车等其它没有生命的物体是犯罪。)
I moved to the second one, still no lock in there. Are customers here like to vandalize public properties too?(我出来,换到第二间,还是没有锁,这里的顾客也喜欢损坏公物吗?)
Visiting groups or individuals are to obey the school rules and regulations; do not smoke, drink, drive, or vandalize on campus during your stay on campus.(各参观学习团体或个人在校参观学习期间须严格遵守学校纪律,不准在校内抽烟、喝酒、驾车、破坏公物。)
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