英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈvektə(r)]

美 [ˈvɛktɚ]



形容词: vectorial 过去式: vectored 过去分词: vectored 现在分词: vectoring 第三人称单数: vectors

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 航线
  • 矢量
  • 向量
  • 带菌者
  • 航向
  • 引导
  • 动力
  • 【数】矢
  • 【生】传染媒介
  • 载体
  • 传病媒介
  • 矢径
  • 【数】向量
  • 动径
  • 【空】飞机航线
  • 航向指示
  • 【天】幅
  • 【生】带菌者
  • 介体
  • 向量性的
  • 用无线电引导
  • 为…导航
  • 【空】指示航向
  • 为…导航
  • 无线电导引
  • 用无线电对…导航
  • 引向目标


1. (genetics) a virus or other agent that is used to deliver DNA to a cell

2. a variable quantity that can be resolved into components

3. any agent (person or animal or microorganism) that carries and transmits a disease

e.g. mosquitos are vectors of malaria and yellow fever
fleas are vectors of the plague
aphids are transmitters of plant diseases
when medical scientists talk about vectors they are usually talking about insects

Synonym: transmitter

4. a straight line segment whose length is magnitude and whose orientation in space is direction

1. 矢量;向量
A vector is a variable quantity, such as force, that has size and direction.

2. (传播疾病的)媒介昆虫,带菌生物
A vector is an insect or other organism that causes a disease by carrying a germ or parasite from one person or animal to another.

1. 载体:C.碱基改变发生在增强子上; D.碱基改变发生在微卫星上; E.碱基改变发生在酶切位点上o 三联密码(triplet)o Alu序列(Alu sequence)o 基因组(genome)o 引物(primer)o 原位分子杂交(in situ hybridization)o 载体(Vector)o 锌指蛋白(zi

  • 经典引文

  • I was on a different vector, hunting for other qualities.

  • Brenda's tone was warm but the warmth was firmly vectored on her friend.

    出自:K. Amis
Now, how do we get this unit vector?(那我们怎么得到这单位矢量呢?)
And, the direction is essentially that of a vector.(方向基本和这里的单位切向量一致。)
It is not a unit vector.(它不是单位向量。)
Of course, it's not a real vector.(显然,这不是一个实际意义上的向量。)
Why else would you know a normal vector?(还有什么原因你会知道法向量?)
That means your normal vector points down.(那意味着法向量指向下。)
This is that vector.(就是这个矢量。)
We have this vector field.(这是向量场。)
So, the acceleration vector is;.(那加速度就是。)
What about vector BP?(向量BP是什么?)
vector是什么意思 vector在线翻译 vector什么意思 vector的意思 vector的翻译 vector的解释 vector的发音 vector的同义词