英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈventɪleɪt]

美 [ˈvɛntlˌet]

vt. 使 ... 空气流通; 通风

名词: ventilation 过去式: ventilated 过去分词: ventilated 现在分词: ventilating 第三人称单数: ventilates

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  • vt. 使通风 allow fresh air to enter some place



1. expose to cool or cold air so as to cool or freshen

e.g. air the old winter clothes
air out the smoke-filled rooms

Synonym: ventair outair

2. furnish with an opening to allow air to circulate or gas to escape

e.g. The architect did not think about ventilating the storage space

3. give expression or utterance to

e.g. She vented her anger
The graduates gave vent to cheers

Synonym: ventgive vent

4. circulate through and freshen

e.g. The gust of air ventilated the room

5. expose to the circulation of fresh air so as to retard spoilage

e.g. Wheat should be well ventilated

1. 使(房间或建筑)通风;使空气流通
If you ventilate a room or building, you allow fresh air to get into it.


e.g. Ventilate the room properly when paint stripping...
e.g. The pit is ventilated by a steel fan.

The only ventilation comes from tiny sliding windows.

2. 发表(看法);表达(感情)
If you ventilate your ideas or feelings, you talk about them or express them freely in front of other people.

e.g. He did not think it the job of officials to ventilate their doubts or daydreams.

1. ventilate的近义词

1. 通风:放在大厅真神圣(hallow),墙边的小猪在打滚(wallow),飞来飞去真休闲(fallow)嘴唇可修剪(clip),离开可分裂(cleave),圆木可阻碍(clog),可变多阻塞(clot)e来就得意(elate),离开就切除(ablate),出口在通风(ventilate),向前变椭圆(prolate),

2. 使通风:epidemics 疫情 | ventilate 使通风 | ventilated 通风的

3. 开气孔:vented propeller 充气螺旋桨 | ventilate 开气孔 | ventilate 使通风

4. 流通:ventil 活栓 | ventilate 流通 | ventilated 通风的

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • We ventilate a room by opening windows.
  • The workers are ventilating the galleries of a coal mine.
  • Members are asked not to ventilate club problems outside this meeting.
  • 1
  • The matter should be freely ventilated.
用作动词 (v.)
  • Garlic should be ventilated during storage.

    出自:Cook's Magazine
  • 词语用法

  • ventilate的基本意思是“使通风”,指打开门〔窗〕或打开通风装置使新鲜空气进入某地方,或使空气在某环境中自由地流动,目的在于净化或更新、冷却,尤指以特大数量暴露于空气之中,引申还可表示“公开”“公开讨论”。即把事物的各个方面经反复仔细研究后公布于众,以期得到真理。
  • ventilate是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。
If needed, is also possible to totally open the inner glass layer to ventilate the whole space from south to north.(如果有需要,内部玻璃层可完全开启,使整个空间南北向通风。)
You should keep the Windows open to ventilate the room.(你应该让窗户都开着,好让房间通风。)
Ventilate as much as possible to completely air out the room or spill zone with outside air.(尽可能地通风,以彻底用室外空气置换房间或泄漏区域的空气。)
The lungs ventilate the blood.(肺吸收新鲜空气使血液净化。)
This article enters into the clinic application of the noninvasive positive pressure mechanical ventilate technique.(文章对无创正压机械通气技术临床应用进行研讨。)
Ventilate the area thoroughly.(让该区域彻底通风。)
Our heating systems are designed not only for temperature control, but to also manage moisture and ventilate toxic fumes.(我们的供暖系统不仅仅设计用于控制温度,而且还可以管理湿度和通风。)
We ventilate a room by opening Windows.(我们开窗以使室内空气流通。)
Ventilate freely to prevent mildew spoiling the fruit.(需要杰出的透风以防止果实发霉。)
Shake up the quintessential powder in the bag, tear down the smaller paster of the ventilate adhesive plaster, and then attach the bag to the volar.(摇晃袋子中的精华粉,撕下透气胶布的较小贴纸,然后将袋子贴到到足底。)
ventilate是什么意思 ventilate在线翻译 ventilate什么意思 ventilate的意思 ventilate的翻译 ventilate的解释 ventilate的发音 ventilate的同义词