英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:11:49



英 [ˈventrəl]

美 [ˈvɛntrəl]


副词: ventrally

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. nearest to or facing toward the axis of an organ or organism

e.g. the upper side of a leaf is known as the adaxial surface

Synonym: adaxial

2. toward or on or near the belly (front of a primate or lower surface of a lower animal)

e.g. the ventral aspect of the human body
the liver is somewhat ventral in position
ventral (or pelvic) fins correspond to the hind limbs of a quadruped

1. 腹侧:几年前就有研究显示眼碟的背侧(dorsal)与腹侧(ventral)交会的边界(背腹中线)很重要,这两群细胞的接触,使得背腹中线的Notch蛋白被激活,促进眼碟的细胞分裂.


2. 腹鳍:在此之前,该架飞机已完成了改装工程,包括安装1套诺斯洛普E格拉曼公司(Northrop Grumman)制造的多功能电子扫描阵列雷达(MESA, Multi-role Electronically Scanned Array)天线、腹鳍(Ventral)和任务系统设备.

3. ventral什么意思

3. 腹:(3)螺旋式(trochospiral)壳螺旋式壳有背(dorsal)和腹(ventral)之分. 在背侧(旋侧),初房和各壳圈均可显现,与平旋地露旋壳相象. 在背侧常形成突出地壳顶在腹侧(脐侧),只能看见终壳圈地各房室,类似于平旋地包旋壳.


4. 腹面:改变的数量不多,且主要和方向性的辞汇有关:以后面 (posterior) 取代背面 (dorsal),以前面 (anterior) 取代腹面 (ventral) 等等. 在大部分的情况下,之前的辞汇会接在正式辞汇的后面,且以括弧表示;例如,posterior (dorsal) cochlear nucleus.

The result was a model that closely imitates the ventral visual pathway.(这样训练的结果就是一个很接近的模仿了腹侧视觉途径的模型。)
I think the same ventral/dorsal explanation applies.(我想腹/背侧神经在阅读里起的作用在这里同样适用。)
Your surgeon will help you decide if the risks of laparoscopic ventral hernia repair are less than the risks of leaving the condition untreated.(你的外科医生会帮助你判断是否做腹腔镜腹疝修补术好过不进行手术。)
This activity was dispersed throughout the ventral striatum: Cells synchronized with the rhythm at different times, in a fairly uncoordinated fashion.(这个活动被传播到整个腹侧纹状体:细胞在不同时间里和这个节奏同步着,以一个相当不和谐的方式。)
When you are a reading a straightforward sentence, or a paragraph full of tropes and cliches, you’re almost certainly relying on this ventral neural highway.(当你看一句直白的句子,或满是陈词腐句的段落时,你的阅读基本上都是这条腹侧神经通路在起作用。)
High-quality data suggest that all ventral hernia repairs should be reinforced with prosthetic repair materials.(可信数据提示:所有腹部疝修补均需用假体修复材料加强薄弱。)
The ventral striatum is involved in processing rewards in the brainthrough the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine.(腹侧纹状体通过释放神经传递素,例如多巴胺,来完成大脑区域中奖励认知功能。)
Bet you didn't think about the caudate and the ventral tegmental areas, did you?(我打赌你没有想象尾状核和腹侧被盖区,不是吗?)
Injection on the dorsal parts of OMN did not affect the ventral parts of OMN.(注射部位在动眼神经核的背侧,没有影响动眼神经核的腹侧。)
ventral是什么意思 ventral在线翻译 ventral什么意思 ventral的意思 ventral的翻译 ventral的解释 ventral的发音 ventral的同义词