英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈvɪləs]

美 [ˈvɪləs]


名词复数: villi

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1. a minute hairlike projection on mucous membrane

1. 绒毛:(16)绒毛:绒毛(villus)是指伸入由棘层松解而形成的裂隙或水疱中的乳头,其上覆盖一层基底细胞,见于毛囊角化病、家族性良性慢性天疱疮等. (17)基底细胞液化变性:基底细胞液化变性(liquefyaction degeneration of basal cells)轻者表现为基底细胞空泡化或破坏,

2. 繊毛:vestige-痕跡 | villus-繊毛 | warm blooded-定温の

3. 绒毛 藓毛 藓毛:villoustenosynovitis 绒毛状腱鞘炎 | villus 绒毛 藓毛 藓毛 | villusdegeneration 绒毛变性

4. 长茸毛:villous 像绒毛一样的 | villus 长茸毛 | vimineous 枝条的

Small intestinal wall thickness and villus height in newborn IUGR piglets were significantly lower than those in normal piglets(P<0.05).(新生IUGR仔猪小肠的肠壁厚度、绒毛高度显著低于正常仔猪(P<0.05);)
To some extent, a given concentration of H2SO4 were active to shed seed villus.(一定浓度的浓h2so4对花卉种子具有脱绒效果。)
To study the cause and precaution of villus cultivating in celiac after laparoscopy of fallopian pregnancy.(目的探讨输卵管妊娠腹腔镜术后绒毛腹腔种植的原因和预防。)
At the tip of the villus, arterioles send out one branch to form an arteriovenous anastomosis with the vein.(微动脉在绒毛顶部与微静脉有交通支,构成动静脉吻合。)
Villus height and mucosal thickness were measured under light microscope.(光镜观察并测定肠黏膜厚度、肠绒毛高度。)
Conclusion Acupuncture can increase complete abortion rate of medicine-induced abortion, with shorter bleeding time and less residual villus.(结论针刺可提高药物流产完全流产率,且出血时间短,绒毛残留少于对照组。)
In the intestinal villus epithelial cell the vacuole denaturates, in the endoplasmic reticulum has many and annular viral pulls.(肠绒毛上皮细胞内空泡变性,内质网中有多及轮状病毒颗拉。)
Methods Immunohistochemical method was applied to observe the expression of NF-kB in the villus of patients with early spontaneous abortion.(方法通过免疫组织化学方法检测早期流产患者绒毛组织中的NF-kB的表达情况。)
The villus height of control group decreased(P<0.05), whereas the crypt depth had no significant difference(P>0.05).(对照组术后绒毛高度小于术前(P<0.05),陷窝深度变化无显著(P>0.05)。)
Antenatal diagnosis by Chorionic villus sampling can be done.(产前诊断由绒毛采样是可以做到的。)
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