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副词: volcanically

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  • 猛烈的
  • 暴烈的
  • 火山的
  • 火山似的
  • 火山引起的
  • 有火山的
  • 火山产生的
  • 由火山构成的
  • 火山性的
  • 火山作用形成的
  • 火成的
  • 火山多的
  • 暴发性的
  • 激烈的
  • 火山喷出的
  • 多火山的
  • 火成
  • 火山岩


1. igneous rock produced by eruption and solidified on or near the earth's surface
rhyolite or andesite or basalt

e.g. volcanic rock includes the volcanic glass obsidian

2. explosively unstable

e.g. a volcanic temper

3. relating to or produced by or consisting of volcanoes

e.g. volcanic steam
volcanic islands such as Iceland
a volcanic cone is a conical mountain or hill built up of material from volcanic eruptions

1. 火山的;由火山引发的
Volcanic means coming from or created by volcanoes.


e.g. Over 200 people have been killed by volcanic eruptions...
e.g. Mount Unzen has been spewing out volcanic ash, gas, and rock today...

1. 火山岩:两年之后,他们就用当时最先进的技术设计生产了步枪和手枪,并把其卖给了火山岩(volcanic)连发武器公司. 火山岩连发武器公司将这些枪加以改进,研制设计了著名的火山岩步枪和手枪. 当史密斯和韦森把生产出的枪全部销售给火山岩公司后,

2. 火山的:Venus金星 | Volcanic火山的 | Watchdog管理人员

3. 火山喷发岩:火成岩 igneous rock | 火山喷发岩 volcanic | 混合金属层状氢氧化物(MMLHC) mixed metal layer hydroxide compound

4. 火山岩质的:volcanic 火山的 | volcanic 火山岩质的 | volcanized fiber container 硬质纤维板集装相

Volcanic island species are all transplants from distant locations and exist in combinations not found elsewhere.(火山岛物种都是从遥远的地方移植过来的,它们的组合在其他地方是找不到的。)
How can volcanic activity occur so far from a plate boundary?(火山活动是如何在离板块边界那么远的地方发生的呢?)
So this too suggests ongoing volcanic activity.(这也表明了火山活动将会继续。)
The Romans observed that, when volcanic ash mixes with water and then cools, it gets extremely hard and almost impossible to break up.(罗马人观察到,当火山灰与水混合然后冷却,火山灰变得非常坚硬,几乎不可能分解。)
Gas mixtures emitted from present-day volcanoes resemble this early atmosphere, suggesting its origin from volcanic eruptions.(现代火山释放出的气体混合物类似于这种早期的大气,这表明它(地球)起源于火山喷发。)
The hard volcanic stone apparently had a secure market.(硬火山石显然有一个可靠的市场。)
It was generally accepted that volcanic rocks with such high levels of magnesium could not exist.(人们普遍认为,具有如此高镁含量的火山岩是不可能存在的。)
Which of the following can be inferred from paragraphs 2 and 3 about the Volcanic eruptions of the late first millennium?(有关公元后一千年末期的火山爆发,下列哪一项可以从第2段和第3段中推断出来?)
The reason is that rich volcanic soil makes the land fantastic for farming.(原因是,肥沃的火山土壤使这片土地极适于农业。)
Although the origins are uncertain, experts think that this is largely due to the high level of volcanic activity in the area.(尽管起源还不确定,专家认为这主要是由该地区频繁的火山喷发所造成的。)
volcanic是什么意思 volcanic在线翻译 volcanic什么意思 volcanic的意思 volcanic的翻译 volcanic的解释 volcanic的发音 volcanic的同义词