英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [vəˈlu:mɪnəs]

美 [vəˈlumənəs]


副词: voluminously 名词: voluminosity

  • 英英释义

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1. large in number or quantity (especially of discourse)

e.g. she took copious notes
a subject of voluminous legislation

Synonym: copious

2. large in volume or bulk

e.g. a voluminous skirt

3. marked by repeated turns and bends

e.g. a tortuous road up the mountain
winding roads are full of surprises
had to steer the car down a twisty track

Synonym: tortuoustwistingtwistywinding

1. 庞大的;浩繁的;大部头的
Something that is voluminous is very large or contains a lot of things.

e.g. ...a voluminous trench coat...
e.g. The FBI kept a voluminous file on Pablo Picasso.

1. 很多的:voluminosity 庞大 | voluminous 很多的 | volumometer 容积计

2. 很多,丰富的:volume 书册,书本,体积,大量,多量 | voluminous 很多,丰富的 | volute 涡形

3. 丰满的:volatile /脾气反复 | voluminous 丰满的 | votary 信仰者

4. 盘绕:voluminosity 容积度 容量度 盘绕 | voluminous 盘绕 | voluminouspowder 多孔粉末

  • 经典引文

  • The most ardent and voluminous advocate of women's liberation.

    出自:New Left Review
Eternal life bedrooms, more than ten meters, containing a desk, a stool, bed and voluminous book a heap.(永生卧室,十余米,内藏桌一、凳一、床一及汗牛充栋之书堆积。)
IBM SCORE installation also requires a content server to securely persist and audit the voluminous data.(IBMSCORE安装也需要使用一个内容服务器来安全地存留和审计大容量数据。)
While obviously geared toward architects, given the voluminous technical advice in its pages, Solid Wood is hardly an esoteric read.(很显然这本书是面向建筑师的,书中提供了大量的技术咨询,《实木》着实是一个深奥的读本。)
Opponents of the C.I.A. 's approach, however, note that Ramzi Yousefgave a voluminous confession after being read his Miranda rights.(但是,中情局的反对派人士指出,尤瑟夫在阅读了米兰达权利之后就交代了很多罪行。)
The FBI kept a voluminous file on Pablo Picasso.(联邦调查局保存了有关巴勃罗·毕加索的大量档案。)
She saw Matthew’s experience in a far different light, as her spokeswoman, Jenny Sedlis, explained in two voluminous e-mails totaling 5, 701 words.(她从另外一个不同的角度看待Matthew现象,就像她的女发言人JennySedlis用了洋洋洒洒的两封邮件5701个字所解释的那样。)
Their long black hair was plaited and they were garbed in colourful, voluminous skirts and wore headscarves and huge golden earrings.(她们长长的黑发编成辫子,穿着色彩鲜艳的大裙子,戴着头巾和巨大的金耳环。)
As far as I can see, there isn't a hint of this kind of thinking in his voluminous correspondence.(据我所知,在他大量的信件中,这种思考的暗示一点都没有。)
The flag she had made for her limousine featured a pair of voluminous calico knickers on a blue satin ground, because her maiden name was Bloomer.(她在一块蓝色缎子上拼接了一张画着女内裤的印花布做成一面旗子放在她的豪华轿车上,原因是她的女佣叫Bloomer。)
She is no friend, like to see "Water Margin" These are voluminous.(她没有什么朋友,喜欢看《水浒传》这些大部头。)
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