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英 [ˈwɒləp]

美 [ˈwɑ:ləp]



名词: walloper 过去式: walloped 过去分词: walloped 现在分词: walloping 第三人称单数: wallops

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1. a severe blow

2. a forceful consequence
a strong effect

e.g. the book had an important impact on my thinking
the book packs a wallop

Synonym: impact



1. defeat soundly and utterly

e.g. We'll wallop them!

2. hit hard

e.g. The teacher whacked the boy

Synonym: whackwhamwhop

1. 重击;狠揍
If you wallop someone or something, you hit them very hard, often causing a dull sound.

e.g. Once, she walloped me over the head with a frying pan.
e.g. ...a big-serving tennis player who wallops the ball so hard that it often finishes out of court.

1. 乱窜,猛冲,冲击力:9. consensus 舆论 | 10. wallop 乱窜,猛冲,冲击力 | 11. epidemiological 流行病学的

2. 猛冲:Walloon 瓦龙人 | wallop 猛冲 | walloping 殴打

3. 颠簸猛撞:wall-sided 直舷的 | wallop 颠簸猛撞 | wallow 颠簸疾吹翻滚

4. 乱窜:paw 动物的爪 | wallop 乱窜 | gallop 猛冲

  • 经典引文

  • When I was a courser..That like the wind would wallop along.

    出自:R. Graves
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

But through its detailed, step-by-step depiction of a real-life investigation, the movie delivers a stronger wallop than most films of its genre.(但是对现实调查的细节描绘和递进式叙述让它比同类电影更具冲击力。)
This second integration didn't quite back the wallop of the first, but it was still worth a cool $373, 588, according to iTVX.(iTVX的数据显示,二进宫的肯德基植入并没有取得比第一次植入更大的影响力,但它依旧给出一个很酷的交易数字373,588美元。)
Compared with verbal symbols, visual ones possess more wallop upon the eyes with their straightforwardness, legibility and vitality.(与文字符号相比,视觉符号的直观性、易读性、生动性等特点使它更具视觉冲击力。)
With one brutal wallop, Leticia flattened him.(莱蒂西亚毫不留情地一拳把他打翻在地。)
Sometimes cartoons carry more wallop than an article.(有些时候漫画比文章有更强的冲击力。)
In appear truly accident, impact towards the front part always, reverse installation children sit chair, can maximize scattered wallop.(在真正出现事故时,冲击力总是朝向车头部分,反向安装儿童坐椅,可最大限度分散冲击力。)
All it takes is for that wallop to act upon a weak point, crushing it, which then allows a tectonic plate to move... maybe an inch.(它所要做的全部就是让这一冲击力作用于一个薄弱点,挤垮它,然后使得一个构造板块移动…可能是一英寸。)
The precise health wallop you suffer may have to do with how your body manifests stress.(你遭受的健康冲击可能与身体所表现出来的不谋而合。)
You don't have to go far to find some overlooked food choices that are easy to prepare, pack a nutritional wallop and avoid unhealthy fats.(你不需要走很远去寻找一些其实很容易准备却被忽视的食品的选择机会,也不需要包装一个有营养的冲击力和避免不健康的油脂。)
The experiments of the wallop of hydraulic shock device and the lifting moment of tower crane show that the mode is effective and reliable.(液压打桩锤冲击力和塔式起重机力矩实测研究证明该方法可行、可靠。)
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