英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-25 00:25:04



英 [ˈwɜ:lpu:l]

美 [ˈwɜ:rlpu:l]



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  • 漩涡
  • 混乱
  • 纷乱
  • 旋流
  • 涡流
  • 涡流浴缸
  • 涡流游泳池
  • 旋涡般的急剧运动
  • 惠尔普(美国电子电气公司)


1. a powerful circular current of water (usually the result of conflicting tides)

Synonym: vortexmaelstrom


1. flow in a circular current, of liquids

Synonym: eddypurlswirlwhirl

1. 漩涡
A whirlpool is a small area in a river or the sea where the water is moving quickly round and round, so that objects floating near it are pulled into its centre.

2. (很多不愉快或复杂事情构成的)漩涡
You can describe a situation in which a lot of unpleasant or complicated things are happening, and from which it is very difficult to escape, as a whirlpool .

e.g. They felt they were being sucked into a whirlpool of publicity...
e.g. She became caught in a whirlpool of hate.

3. 涡旋浴池
A whirlpool bath or a whirlpool is a bath that is specially designed so that the water moves round and round.

e.g. ...a luxurious whirlpool bath with gold taps...
e.g. There's also an outdoor whirlpool.

1. 旋涡:最近以高解析度,波长为厘米的无线电天文望远镜所做的,对旋涡(whirlpool)星系(典型. 旋涡星系远在三千万光年以外,但是由记录星系旋臂内的化学元素及化合物的特殊放射谱线,便能对其位置与速度做出详图. 这是到目前为止,

2. 漩涡:以下图片只是Recreation Trail的一小部分,从漩涡(Whirlpool)到植物园(Botanical Garden). 春天来了,小草长绿了,绿草丛中冒出的小黄野花星星点点,装饰着路旁的绿地. 刚长出嫩叶的枫树呈现出绿色、淡红色和浅黄色,虽不如秋天般绚烂,

3. whirlpool的反义词

3. 惠尔浦:美标洗衣机 型号:3XGSC9455JQ 制造商: 惠尔浦(Whirlpool) 应用: 该机通过对纺织品一次或多次家庭式洗涤后来量度纺织品的收缩率或伸长率,也可进行各种洗后外观评测.

Turbines at the Barrage DE la rance electric power generating station in France create a whirlpool in the rance River.(安装在法国兰斯发电站拦河坝上的涡轮机构成了兰斯河上的漩涡。)
Despite that, there is definitely something that people, including me, fall victim to when they jump in the personal development whirlpool.(尽管如此,当人们包括我在内跳进个人发展的漩涡时,肯定会成为某些事情的受害者。)
Some rooms also have fireplace, whirlpool bath and wet bar.(一些房间也有壁炉、漩涡浴盆和带水槽的吧台。)
Soak in a whirlpool tub.(泡在热水…浴缸内。)
The canoe was sucked (down) into the whirlpool.(那独木舟卷进漩涡里了。)
The men were obliterated, seemed tossed about like twigs in an angry water, and even Steavens felt himself being drawn into the whirlpool.(人们被湮灭,像汹涌的水中的小树枝一样被抛来抛去,即使是斯特文斯,也感觉被卷进了这场漩涡。)
Explanation: One of the brightest supernovas in recent years has just been recorded in the nearby Whirlpool galaxy (M51).(解说:近年来最明亮的超新星之一出现在了临近的旋涡星系(M51)中。)
The huge whirlpool could suck in the boat.(巨大的旋涡能把小船吞没。)
The whirlpool sucked down the canoe .(漩涡把独木舟卷了进去。)
Yet many doubt that Whirlpool and Electrolux will be able to persuade customers to pay their higher prices.(然而,许多人都质疑惠尔普和伊莱克斯能够说服顾客支付更高的价格。)
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