英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:29:50



英 [wu:p]

美 [hup, hwup, wup]



过去式: whooped 过去分词: whooped 现在分词: whooping 第三人称单数: whoops

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1. a loud hooting cry of exultation or excitement


1. cough spasmodically

e.g. The patient with emphysema is hacking all day

Synonym: hack

2. shout, as if with joy or enthusiasm

e.g. The children whooped when they were led to the picnic table

1. (高兴地)大喊,大叫
If you whoop, you shout loudly in a very happy or excited way.

e.g. She whoops with delight at a promise of money.

2. see also: whoops

1. 欣喜,兴奋,或因手脚笨拙而感到尴尬:Whoopee! 高兴 | Whoop! 欣喜,兴奋,或因手脚笨拙而感到尴尬 | Wow! 诧异,惊讶,羡慕,快乐

2. 大叫:whoop it up 庆祝 | whoop 大叫 | whoop-de-do 狂欢


3. 呼叫声:whom 谁 | whoop 呼叫声 | whose 谁的

4. (欢乐的)高喊,高呼:exultant 兴高采烈的,狂喜的 | whoop (欢乐的)高喊,高呼 | languidly 懒洋洋的,无精打采地

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1. not care a whoop : 毫不在乎;

2. not worth a whoop : 毫无价值, 一文不值;

  • Mary Ann let out a whoop 'You're an angel, DeDe!'

    出自:A. Maupin
  • They let out whoops of delight.

    出自:D. Adams
  • Whooping out loud with the pleasure of feeling so wildly free.

    出自:A. Haley
Who dares whoop it up here?(什么人敢在这里作乐?)
He gave a whoop of joy when he saw his new bicycle.(他看到自己的新自行车时,高兴得叫了起来。)
The "dead McCarty.".. threw back his head once more [and gave] a dreadful rasping whoop that sounded like the hounds of hell were barking.(死去的麦卡迪头再次往后仰,发出可怕刺耳的喊叫,犹如地狱中猎狗的犬吠声。)
Come with a whoop, come with a call.(大叫着来,大喊着来。)
What did they have to whoop about?(他们高声呐喊是为了什么呢?)
There was none but as I headed down the stairs I heard a whoop of laughter and then, "You've won!"(我下楼时却听到身后一阵大笑,只听丈夫大声说:“你赢了!”)
The hunters WHOOP and CHEER as Jake joins the circle of.(当杰克加入舞者的圆圈中时,猎人们发出一阵欢呼。)
On Complexity of the Nihilism in Whoop and Oscillation;(属于或关于虚无主义的。)
Pump your fist in the air and go "Whoop Whoop!"(帮浦你的拳头空中和去“兴奋的叫兴奋的叫!”)
High temperature , cough , diarrhea. we can't visit her face to face. I heard her rough whoop and aloud cough in other side phone, I feared very much.(不能近距离地探望她,电话那端她粗重的喘息和大声的咳嗽,让人感到十分的恐惧!)
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