英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˈwaɪldli]

美 [ˈwaɪldlɪ]


  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释


1. to an extreme or greatly exaggerated degree

e.g. the storyline is wildly unrealistic

2. with violent and uncontrollable passion

e.g. attacked wildly, slashing and stabbing over and over

3. in an uncontrolled or unrestrained manner

e.g. He gesticulated wildly

1. 非常;极其
You use wildly to emphasize the degree, amount, or intensity of something.

e.g. Reports of his drinking have been wildly exaggerated...
e.g. The island's hotels vary wildly.

1. wildly的近义词

1. 野生地:wildling 野生动物 | wildly 野生地 | wildness 野生

2. 失去控制的:direction方向 | wildly失去控制的 | brick砖,砖块

3. 发狂地,荒唐地:clap 拍手;鼓掌 | wildly 发狂地,荒唐地 | lazy 懒惰的,懒散的

4. 野生地/野蛮地/粗暴地/荒芜地/胡乱地/随便地:wildlifer /强烈呼吁保护野生动植物的人/ | wildly /野生地/野蛮地/粗暴地/荒芜地/胡乱地/随便地/ | wildness /野生/野蛮/粗暴/

  • 经典引文

  • The ship rolled wildly, so that at meals the stewards had to cleat the plates down.

    出自:D. Moraes
His heart was beating wildly.(他的心脏剧烈地跳着。)
It was a man! Her heart was beating wildly and her mind raced.(那是个男人!她的心跳得很厉害,脑子也乱了。)
He gesticulated wildly at the clock.(他使劲指着钟打手势。)
My heart was thumping wildly but I didn't let my face show any emotion.(我的心在狂跳着,但我没在脸上流露出任何表情。)
At first, I thought the challenge would be to train her to sit, to heel, to walk calmly beside us and not go wildly chasing the neighborhood rabbits.(一开始,我以为挑战在于训练它坐下、跟在我们后面、安静地走在我们身边,而不是疯狂地追逐附近的兔子。)
It is not a wildly funny play.(这并不是一出太滑稽的戏剧。)
All the maps we had were wildly inaccurate.(我们所有的地图误差都非常大。)
My heart was knocking wildly.(我的心怦怦直跳。)
Here again, the community and police have wildly different stories of what happened.(这里同样,社区和警察对所发生的事又有着非常不同的说法。)
I got it off my body so wildly that I made a hole in it.(我疯狂地把它从我的身体上弄下来,把它弄了个洞。)
wildly是什么意思 wildly在线翻译 wildly什么意思 wildly的意思 wildly的翻译 wildly的解释 wildly的发音 wildly的同义词