英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-25 00:30:06



英 [wɪðˈstænd]

美 [wɪθˈstænd, wɪð-]


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名词: withstander 过去式: withstood 过去分词: withstood 现在分词: withstanding 第三人称单数: withstands

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  • 顶住
  • 挡住
  • 耐得住
  • 耐受
  • 抵抗
  • 反抗
  • 抵挡
  • 禁得起
  • 抵住
  • 经受住
  • 忍受
  • 抗住
  • 经得住
  • 承受
  • 反对
  • vt. 经受,承受 endure (sth) without giving in, collapsing, wearing out, etc.


1. stand up or offer resistance to somebody or something

Synonym: resisthold outstand firm

2. resist or confront with resistance

e.g. The politician defied public opinion
The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear
The bridge held

Synonym: defyholdhold up

1. 经受住;承受;顶住
If something or someone withstands a force or action, they survive it or do not give in to it.

e.g. ...armoured vehicles designed to withstand chemical attack...
e.g. Exercise really can help you withstand stresses and strains more easily.

1. 经受,经得起:with respect to 相对于 | withstand 经受,经得起 | work 工件

2. [耗费]:吃掉一个棋子 : take a chess piece | 5. ver [耗费] withstand | 吃力 : strenuous


3. 对抗:without 没有 | withstand 对抗 | witness 证人

4. 抵抗:withstand voltage test 耐压试验 | withstand 抵抗 | witness mark 测量中的参考点

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • The bridge withstands the flood.
  • He can withstand hardships.
用作动词 (v.)
  • Ground to mud by an agency which the hardest rocks cannot withstand.

    出自:J. Tyndall
  • I never could withstand an appeal for help.

    出自:J. K. Jerome
  • The stone houses had withstood the weather.

    出自:N. Farah
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 直接源自古英语的withstandan,意为忍住。
Can a family withstand such a tragedy?(一个家庭能够承受得了这样的悲剧吗?)
Moreover, even though humans have been upright for millions of years, our feet and back continue to struggle with bipedal posture and cannot easily withstand repeated strain imposed by oversize limbs.(此外,尽管人类直立行走已经有数百万年的历史,我们的脚和背部仍在两足行走的姿势中艰难斗争,无法轻易承受过长的四肢持续施加的压力。)
When fully grown, however, the crabs can readily withstand tidal currents without burrowing, and thus they acquire substantial populations of barnacles.(然而,当蟹完全长大后,它们不需要穴居就能很容易地承受潮汐流,因此它们获得了大量的藤壶。)
The Sami has long used the tents as portable shelters—their wide bases and forked poles enable them to withstand the winds on the Arctic tundra.(长期以来,萨米族人一直把这些帐篷用作便携式避难所——宽大的底部和叉状的支杆使它们能够承受住北极冻原上的大风。)
Ancient fresh water green algae must have evolved features that enable them to withstand extremes of temperature and periods of dryness.(古老的淡水绿藻一定进化出了一些特性,这些特性使得它们能够熬过极端的温度和干旱期。)
Unfortunately, electronic switches that are this small cannot withstand intense radiation.(遗憾的是,这么小的电子开关无法承受强烈的辐射。)
The plants were unable to withstand the rigours of a harsh winter.(这些植物经受不住严冬的考验。)
Zhang drafted his own engineers and started researching how to build cheap, environmentally friendly structures that could also withstand an earthquake.(张跃征募了自己的工程师,并开始研究如何建造既便宜又环保的建筑来抵御地震。)
Modern wine is made to withstand long journeys.(现代葡萄酒能够经得住长途跋涉。)
First of all, they are able to withstand highly saline conditions.(首先,它们能够承受高盐环境。)
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